Friday, December 2, 2022
HomeBusinessXi Shows Weakness By Repressing Protesters

Xi Shows Weakness By Repressing Protesters

  • Antony Blinken claims it’s a sign of weakness for Xi Jinping in order to crush Chinese dissent.
  • He stated that the “massive repressive actions” taken by Xi’s Government is not a sign Xi is strong.
  • Blinken said that China has to look beyond its zero COVID policies.

Antony Blinken, Secretary of State, called the efforts of Chinese President Xi Jinping to quell dissent “a sign weakness.”

A Wednesday appearance MSNBCBlinken discussed how the Chinese government has suppressed mass unrest in every major city of the country. 

“I think any country where you see people trying to speak out, trying to speak up to protest peacefully, to make known their frustrations, whatever the issue is — in any country where we see that happening and then we see the government take massive, massive repressive action to stop it, that’s not a sign of strength,” Blinken said. It is a sign of weakness.

He also said that he was unable to comment on whether Xi’s standing in the Communist Party has changed since the protests.

Blinken stated that China must find a solution to COVID. This should address both the health and the social needs of the people. We can’t solve that for them. 

Blinken’s remarks are among widespread protestsChina’s zero-COVID policies were resisted in Chinese cities, such as Guangzhou and Shanghai, as well as Beijing. These protests represent a rare moment when mass dissatisfaction is displayed. and the largest organized rallies against the Chinese government since the Tiananmen Square protest in 1989.

Police in Beijing At least three people were taken from their homes and arrestedAfter they had attended a demonstration in the capital on Sunday. A Shanghai protesterThis week, he also shared his account of being snatched while peacefully protesting. He was then hanged upside down and bundled onto a bus. 

China’s censorship is on the rise. The Chinese police are now Conducting stop-and-search searches on phones of people and making them delete foreign apps like Instagram Twitter, per the Wall Street Journal and CNBC. Protesters from China are also Try to evade the long arm censorship on social networks, Telegram and other platforms are a good option.To spread their disapproval of the anti-COVID policies. 



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