Friday, November 11, 2022
HomeAnimalsWoman Scoops Out Food As Forsaken Dog Prays It’s For Him

Woman Scoops Out Food As Forsaken Dog Prays It’s For Him

Many animals were left behind when evacuations began in Ukraine. Love Furry Friends continues to rescue these precious animals. A call came in about a dog who had been abandoned by his owner. Even worse, his neighbors said that he had lived on a chain for most of his life in a filthy yard. His dog house was falling apart.


Source Screenshot: TheDodo – YouTube


The women who have Love Furry Friends run over. The sweet dog tried his best to reach them as they approached. The chain is too long and he lunges repeatedly, but he doesn’t want to stop. His tail wags madly! This pup is very friendly considering his circumstances.


Source Screenshot: TheDodo – YouTube

The rescuers’ first priority is to feed the dog. His ribs can be seen through his skin. As one of the rescuers prepares his food, the dog watches. He can smell it and cannot take his eyes off the first meal he’s going to have in a long time. He eats so fast. He was so hungry. It was heartbreaking!


Source Screenshot: TheDodo – YouTube


This dog’s story is far from over. Love Furry Friends is a wonderful organization that continues to support animals in desperate need. Watch the video to see a sad story transformed into a heartwarming tale.


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