Tuesday, September 20, 2022
HomeAnimalsWoman finds Stray Dog at Boat Dock. Then She Realizes That Something...

Woman finds Stray Dog at Boat Dock. Then She Realizes That Something is Up!

“They were stashed at an old, rundown, closed restaurant, right on the porch area,” Erwin told The Dodo. “They were only 3 to 4 weeks old. It was December and temps were going to be dropping soon, and I couldn’t leave them.”

Erwin couldn’t help but feel immense compassion for the stray, later named Marla, who had been caring for so many puppies all by herself.

“She had to have been drained and exhausted keeping them alive,” Erwin said. “I really feel for stray momma dogs, so it was especially hard for me.”

Marla and her puppies were cared for by Erwin over a period of a month. After that, Erwin gave them to another foster family where they remained until they could be vaccinated. Slowly they became playful and affection-seeking dogs. With help from Paddy’s Paws and Misfit Mutts Dog Rescue, Marla and all of her babies quickly found their forever homes.

Though Erwin misses Marla and her puppies, she’s so happy that she was able to help them find families who will love them forever.

“They didn’t have to be the next generation of stray dogs,” Erwin said. “I’m so glad I was there that day and could change their future.”



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