Saturday, October 22, 2022
HomeAnimalsWoman finds Senior Lab in the Outside with a Sweet Note Tapped...

Woman finds Senior Lab in the Outside with a Sweet Note Tapped Above Her Bed

There’s no better feeling than making a stranger smile. That’s why Connie, a senior Lab from Brighton, England, likes to sit outside her house every day and wait for her neighbors to pass by.

Everyone is happy to see Connie’s wagging tail and smiles, but the lights go off when they read the signs above her head.

Becky Albon, one of Connie’s neighbors, was walking home one day with her husband when she spotted the sweet pup lying on her outdoor bed for the first time. Connie was instantly elated when she saw this couple.

Albon saw the sign and understood why as soon she was close enough.

One of the signs above Connie’s bed read, “Free Cuddles: I’m old & arthritic, but still have lots of love to share.” The other sign echoed a similar sentiment, stating, “I’m very old & lame, but love affection.” Both signs ended with a sweet sign-off — “Love, Connie.”

Albon and her spouse decided that they would sit down with Connie for five more minutes, before continuing their walk.

“She was super friendly and happy to see us,” Albon told The Dodo. “She even let us give her belly rubs.”

Connie’s tail thumped back and forth in pure delight as the Albons stopped to pet her. The only thing that made Connie more excited was seeing more of her neighbors pass.

“She was wagging her tail at everyone who went past,” Albon said. “And she was very gentle.”

Connie was very happy with every moment of their time together, and it was obvious to the Albons. Albon also said that Connie brought joy to his day as well, which is probably what many of her neighbors would agree with.

When Connie isn’t sitting on her front porch offering free cuddles to her neighbors, the senior pup can be found inside her family’s home, soaking up all the love from the humans who know her best.

And her neighbors, who fall in love with her more and more every day, look forward to sunny weather so that they can share a moment with their favorite neighborhood dog — and snuggle her — again.



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