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HomeAnimalsWoman Finds Puppy Curled Up On Couch And Realizes She’s Not Alone

Woman Finds Puppy Curled Up On Couch And Realizes She’s Not Alone

Donna Lochmann was alerted to the difficulty of rescuing a pit bull family. According to the Good Samaritan who found them, there were at least three puppies hiding in an overgrown yard. Their fearful mother was determined protect them.

Lochmann, who is the chief lifesaving officer at Stray Rescue of St. Louis has a lot of experience and knows how to approach rescues carefully. When she arrived, she noticed some Pouppies sheltering in plain sight, but she was aware that she couldn’t save them initially.


“I thought, ‘Well, I’m just gonna try to get mom first because if she’s barking at me, I don’t know what her reaction is gonna be when I start picking up her puppies,’” Lochmann told The Dodo.

Lochmann opened a container of Vienna sausages in order to lure the pup to her car. Lochmann had given Donutfest to the dog and she quickly secured the dog inside the car.



“Once Donutfest was safe, I started working on finding the puppies,” Lochmann stated.

Lochmann first observed a puppy sitting on a fence, hunched over by herself. Lochmann was able to observe her hunched over a fence and she did not flee.



“She absolutely started Screaming,” Lochmann added. “I can’t believe nobody in the neighborhood came out to see what was going on.”

Lochmann took the puppy and her mother to the car, where she then set out in search for the rest. Lochmann quickly scanned the yard and saw three puppies—two hidden in the weeds, one curled up on a broken couch.


Because the puppies were already familiar with their environment, they made every effort initially to keep Lochmann away. Two of them sprinted farther into the high weeds, evading Lochmann’s grasp.

Lochmann decided to lure them to her, much like she did with their mother. The scent of a freshly opened can of dog food lured the puppies right into the rescuer’s arms.



Lochmann saved one puppy, but three of the four puppies that she had to rescue after Donutfest were gone. The last dog ran from Lochmann’s rescuer, jumping off the couch where he was being cuddled and running away.

Lochmann was able to gently take up the dog because he wasn’t moving too quickly thanks to this.


“It took me a while to get the last three puppies,” Lochmann said. “But once I got them all in the car, I was so happy.”

They were adopted almost immediately after they had been saved. The puppies passed all their vet exams and were placed in foster care. After Stray Rescue of St. Louis posted a photo of the group to Facebook, all four puppies received a flood of adoption requests.



“I think most of them are already spoken for as far as finding their forever homes,” Lochmann said. “But Mama is still with us.”

Donutfest, despite all the love and attention she has received online, is still searching for a forever home. This once-depressed pup has now become a happy and content dog with a constant smile.


“She’s completely just a happy, smiley, bouncy girl now who loves her caregivers and going on walks,” Lochmann added. “We would love for her to be in a home and finally get adopted.”

Stray Rescue of St. Louis staff is hopeful that Donutfest will be adopted soon by a loving family. They’re making the most of Donutfest’s time and treating her with all the love and attention she needs.


Source: The Dodo



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