Tuesday, November 29, 2022
HomeBusinessWhite Supremacists are 'Pose The Primary Threat' to Domestic Terror

White Supremacists are ‘Pose The Primary Threat’ to Domestic Terror

  • According to the FBI, white supremacists are “the primary threat” to domestic terrorism.
  • The bureau released a new report stating that white supremacists had killed at least 777 people since 2010.
  • The report warns against extremists forming international connections online.

According to the FBI’s annual risk assessment, white supremacists remain the most dangerous threat to the United States. They are threatening to commit “lethal violence against civilians,” the FBI warned.

According to the bureau, radicals who believe in the superiority and strength of the white race are still a primary threat to their society [domestic violent extremists]lethal violence against civilians based on their ideology, attack history and other factors.

Since 2010, white supremacists have carried out at least 17 lethal attacks, killing no fewer than 77 people — accounting for more than half of all fatalities from domestic terrorism, the FBI noted.

In May, a white supremacist attacked a Buffalo supermarket, New York. He killed 10 people and injured three more. The gunman, who was also charged with domestic terrorism and murder, pleaded guilty on Monday.

The FBI reportWarnings that such racially motivated extremists act as part of an “international movement,” which is facilitated by online networks. They also claim the title of “leaderless resistance” against multiculturalism. According to the report, adherents believe that people of European descent are more powerful than and less threatened by minorities, as well by whites who they consider to be supporting them.

Just days after Trump’s meeting, the FBI has completed an assessment. With Nick FuentesOne of the most prominent white supremacists living in the US has been criticised From DemocratsSome Republicans, including ex-Vice President Mike Pence. 

According to the FBI report other racial supremacists are also a danger. It notes that there have been several instances in recent years when followers of Black Hebrew Israelite ideology (promoted recently by NBA star Kyrie) have perpetrated deadly attacks against Jews or members of law enforcement.

The report states that left-wing violence poses a lesser threat than right-wing violence and likely includes “nonlethal criminal activity.” far-right opponents, and are “not organized at a countrywide level.”

Anarchist violent extremists, as the FBI terms them — popularly referred to as “Antifa” — will likely “plot and potentially conduct sporadic attacks” on critical infrastructure and government buildings, as well as engage in “violent physical assaults against their perceived opponents,” according to the report. According to the report, such radicals will “probably remain focused on people and institutions seen as representing authority capitalism oppression including perceived racism or fascism.”

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