Thursday, November 3, 2022
HomeAnimalsWe All Win The Laziest Tug-Of-War Game

We All Win The Laziest Tug-Of-War Game

A classic David vs. Goliath matchup here; Except this time the underdog is not the winner… In what is probably the laziest game of Tug-of-War that you’ll ever see, Olly the Bernese Mountain Dog just has to do the bare minimum to come out on top!

The tiny Jack Russell is super into the competition and giving it everything he’s got, but it’s just not enough. The gentle giant holds onto his favorite shark toy with minimal effort, but he’s your winner. Perhaps it’s the dog size in the fight. But there are no losers here when it comes to playing and having fun and having such a “battle” on video for all to see! 🙂

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