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HomeScienceWant Better Sleep? This one piece of advice seems to work for...

Want Better Sleep? This one piece of advice seems to work for almost everyone : ScienceAlert

Many people have difficulty getting enough good quality sleep. This can make us feel tired and depressed the next day. However, poor sleep quality over time can have a detrimental effect on our overall health and well-being.

There’s no shortage of things people are told they can do to get a better night’s sleep – from taking a hot bath in the evening to ditching their phone a couple of hours before bed.

For those who struggle to get a good nights sleep, exercise is a common piece of advice. This is actually a very good piece of advice, according to research.

Take, for example, Meta-analysis starting in 2015This review looked at all current research regarding sleep quality and duration. It found that both short and long-term exercise (a few sessions per week) can help to improve sleep.

Even a single exercise session can improve your sleep quality or duration.

Research has also shown that certain types of exercise can improve sleep quality. Regular aerobic exerciseFor example, it has been proven that people who use a hypnotic drug like benzodiazepines can fall asleep faster, wake less frequently, and feel more rested when they wake up the next morning.

This was true for many. Different typesYou can do aerobic exercise like running, cycling, or even walking briskly.

Even just a A single 30-minute session of aerobic exercise can improve multiple aspects of sleep – although not to the same extent as regular aerobic exercise.

However, it has been shown to increase sleep duration and decrease the time it takes for you to fall asleep. It also increases sleep efficiency, which is the percentage of time that you spend in bed asleep. Higher sleep efficiency means better quality sleep.

There is less research on resistance exercise (like weightlifting) as it relates to sleep. However, there are a few studies that suggest resistance exercise can improve sleep.

Study after study found that people who regularly do resistance exercise (around three times per week) have better subjective sleeping quality. It doesn’t matter if you think you get good sleep, it can impact your ability to perform throughout the day.

Regular resistance training could also be beneficial Help people suffering from insomniaIt helps them to fall asleep faster and improve their sleeping efficiency. There is still very little research on this topic so it’s important to be cautious before drawing any conclusions.

The good news about exercise for sleeping is that it works for everyone, no matter your age or any sleep disorder (such as sleep apnoea or insomnia).

Exercise can have a positive impact on your health

While the research is clear that exercise can improve our sleep, scientists still aren’t entirely sure exactly how it does this – though they do have a few theories.

Our bodies sleep-wake cycle is approximately 24-hours long, and it is controlled internally by a ‘clock’.

This cycle also includes a hormone called Melatonin, which is released at night to help us feel tired. An example of this is when you exercise during the day. An earlier releasePeople who exercise are more likely to fall asleep faster because they have more melatonin at night.

Exercise is also good for our health. Core body temperature. However, once we are done with a workout, our core body temperatures begin to return to normal.

It is possible to also benefit from a decrease in the core body temperature Do not fall asleep. This is why some people can benefit from evening exercise. Sleep better that night – contrary to popular belief.

Exercise can also improve sleep quality due to its positive effects upon mood and mental well-being. sleep quality. The body releases endorphins during exercise which can improve mood.

Regular exercise is also a good way to reduce stress. Depression and anxiety symptoms. People may find it easier to fall asleep if they exercise.

Although there is still much to learn about the effects of different types and levels of exercise on different aspects, it is clear that exercise can have a positive impact on sleep.

You can fall asleep faster, sleep longer and feel more rested if you do 30-60 minutes of exercise each day.

Even though one exercise is enough to improve your sleep, regular exercise will likely bring you greater results.

Since so many types of exercise are linked with improving sleep, all you need to do is choose a workout you enjoy – whether that’s running, swimming, lifting weights, or even just going for a brisk walk.The Conversation

Emma SweeneyProfessor in Exercise, Nutrition, Health Nottingham Trent University

This article was republished by The ConversationUse the Creative Commons license Please read the Original article.



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