Tuesday, November 8, 2022
HomeBusinessVoters Will Decide on the "Right to Work"

Voters Will Decide on the “Right to Work”

  • Amendment 1 would amend the state constitution to ban mandatory union participation in workplaces.
  • The amendment, according to the proponents, will offer workers more choices at work.
  • Opponents claim that the law seeks to eliminate union power in Tennessee.

If you vote “yes” to Amendment 1, the state constitution would be amended to ban mandatory union participation at work and charge fees.

Ballot measure details

Amendment 1The amendment would include language in the state constitution to give employees the fundamental right not to join a union or pay union fees at work.

It would be illegal for workplaces in this country to make union membership a condition of employment.

Opposition and support

Vote yes on 1Support for Amendment 1 is led by the Republican Gov. Republican Gov. Bill Lee, many Republican legislators and the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce are all supporters.

Amendment 1 supporters argue that it will protect workers rights, allowing them to work wherever they like without being forced to join a union. It is also beneficial for the state’s economy.

Vote no on 1This is the opposition committee. Opponents include many state Democrats as well as union groups like the AFL-CIO.

These groups claim that the amendment will reduce the ability of union organizations to rely on mandatory fees for their survival while legal representation is provided to all employees.

They claim that workers can “freeload” union representation without having to pay any mandatory fees.

The money race

According to BallotpediaAmendment 1 has received $198,100 support, while Amendment 1 has received $43,133 opposition.



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