Friday, December 2, 2022
HomeBusinessUS Intelligence Believes China's Protests will Fail: Politico

US Intelligence Believes China’s Protests will Fail: Politico

  • Politico reported that US officials believe the protests in China will not gain momentum.
  • Politico saw government communications regarding how the protests are leaderless, disorganized.
  • According to the report, there might be violent crackdowns in order to discourage further demonstrations.

US intelligence officials believe that the protests in China will soon end. They are unlikely to cause larger, more organized masses of protests.

According to government communications, this is as per Tuesday’s seen by PoliticoThey described the movements as chaotic and lacking a leader.

According to documents seen by Politico, it appears that the Communist Party deployed an overwhelming police presence to intimidate protesters. These suppression tactics could also become more violent and aggressive.

Over the Thanksgiving weekend, protests against government leaders broke out in all major Chinese cities. It was a sign of a momentary change. mass dissentThis has never been done before in President Xi Jinping’s China. There have been A strong police presenceChina was the result. While protests were generally peaceful in China, there have been videos on Twitter that show some clashing with police. Shanghai protestors described being pulled out of the crowd in indiscriminate fashion. being beaten and hung upside downby police officers.

Protests in Beijing, Shanghai and Beijing have been mostly quiet. However, there was still some violence. Guangzhou police and protesters clash in Guangzhou on Tuesday night.

Some people were contacted and interrogated by police in the wake of the protests. BBC reported. At least three people were reported to be living in Beijing. They were detained in their homesAfter attending a demonstration near the Liangma River, in the Chinese capital on Sunday.

COVID restrictions were lifted Guangzhou, ChongqingXi is This week, more curbs will be liftedThis marked a partial rollback by his zero-COVID policies. 



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