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HomeBusinessUS EMALS Aircraft Launch System for French Carrier Prepared

US EMALS Aircraft Launch System for French Carrier Prepared

  • France is building a new aircraft carrier for Charles de Gaulle.
  • The new aircraft launch and recovery systems for the new carrier will be identical to those used by the US’s most recent carriers.
  • The new French carrier is expected to enter service in 2038 and remain there until at least 2080.

In September, US defense firm General Atomics AnnouncementThe US Navy awarded it a contract to continue the development and evaluation of its Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System, Advanced Arresting Gear and Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System in preparation to their eventual sale to France.

This latest development is in France’s quest to build a new, nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. The project is called the Porte-Avions de Nouvelle GénérationPANG (sometimes called Pang) is an acronym that stands for “New Generation Aircraft Carrier.”

France’s current carrier will be replaced by the yet-to-be-named vessel. Charles de Gaulle. PANG will be considerably larger than its predecessor and will grant the French navy the prestige of operating a “supercarrier” — a distinction held by only a few navies.

Charles de Gaulle

aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle

French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle.


Charles de Gaulle, a replacement for France’s two previous presidents, was launched in 1994. It was commissioned in 2001. Clemenceau-classClemenceau, and Foch were the carriers that were decommissioned, in 1997 and 2000 respectively. Foch was sold by Brazil to Brazil and remained there until 2018.

Charles de Gaulle currently serves as the French navy’s flagship. It measures 858 feet and weighs in at 42,000 tons. It is manned with 1,350 crew members and a wing of 650 airmen. It can also carry 800 troops.

It is the only non US-powered nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. The aircraft’s two K15 pressurized-water reactors provide a top speed of 27 knots, and an operating range that is limited by the endurance of its crew.

It is also known as Catapult assisted take-off but arrested recovery.

USS Gerald R. Ford F/A-18F Super Hornet EMALS AAG

During testing with Ford’s Electromagnetic Aerial Launch System (January 2020), Sailors prepare F/A-18F for launch.

US Navy/MCS3 Zachary Melvin

The catapults used on the US Navy Nimitz class carriers are shorter than those used here. Charles de Gaulle was told by Adm. Pierre Vandier in July that an American officer is present with the crew of the aircraft carrier.

Vandier stated, “For the future aircraft carrier, it was also decided that American equipment would be used. These will include electromagnetic arresting and catapults.” Submitted to Naval News, adding that there would be “similar cooperations” with the US “to support the ramp-up in operational power and to ensure the maintenance of these catapults.”

De Gaulle can fly with an airwing up to 40 planes, although it is most often composed of 30 aircraft. Rafale M fighters, two E-2C Hawkeyeairborne early warning, control and aircraft NH90, AS565 Panther?, and AS365 Dauphin helicopters.

French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle in Red Sea

Charles de Gaulle at the Red Sea in April 2019

US Navy/MCS3 Skyler Okerman

Charles de Gaulle also has an air wing and four eight-cell Sylver VLS rocketers that can be fired. MBDA Aster 15.Two six-cell Sadral launchers and surface-to air missiles for Mistral anti–air missiles.

Charles de Gaulle was first deployed to combat during Operation Enduring Freedom. During this operation, its aircraft flew around 700 sorties against Taliban targets. The carrier was instrumental in establishing a no-fly zone above Libya in 2011.

Charles de Gaulle, who launched airstrikes in Iraq against ISIS targets, has also been active against ISIS. The Persian Gulf2015. In support of the liberation Mosul In the Mediterranean2016 It helped to strengthen NATO’s presence on the Eastern Mediterranean after Russia’s attack against Ukraine in 2016.


Malbrunot Lanzilotta navy aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford

Capt. Paul Lanzilotta is Ford’s commanding Officer. He briefs French Rear Admiral Eric Malbrunot about Ford’s flight deck design for April 2021.

US Navy/MCS3 Zack Guth

France has historically operated two carriers simultaneously but never built one for Charles de Gaulle. Plans existed for a carrierThey were inspired by the Queen Elizabeth class of the British navy, but they were cancelled in 2013.

France’s armed forces minister stated in 2018 that an effort was underway to replace Charles de Gaulle. In December 2020, the French President Emmanuel Macron Officially unveiledThe program.

Charles de Gaulle will see the PANG as a major upgrade. It will measure 984 feet in length and can carry 74,000 tons. This puts it on par with other active supercarriers, which typically transport over 65,000 tons.

Like its predecessor the PANG will also be nuclear-powered. It will use two K22 reactors that can generate 220 megawatts. The K15s generate 150 megawatts. French officials claim that the reactors will allow the navy to export power while reducing its emissions.

Charles de Gaulle’s air wing in PANG will be bigger than Charles de Gaulle’s. It is expected that the PANG’s air wing will include at least 32 fighters along with an undetermined number support aircraft, helicopters, drones, and helicopters.

French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle in Red Sea

Charles de Gaulle and US warships at the Red Sea in April 2019

US Navy/MCS3 Skyler Okerman

Aside from the Rafale M the air wing is likely to include the naval-based version of the New Generation FighterA sixth-generation fighter plane being jointly developed by France and Germany. NGFs will make up the majority of the PANG air wing.

The PANG will also feature EMALS and AAG — the same systems used by the US Navy’s Gerald R. Ford-class carriers. EMALS uses linear motors rather than steam to launch fixed-wing aircraft faster and more efficiently.

EMALS is a registered trademark. It was a headacheThe reliability of the US Navy has been improved by recent changes. The Navy This was JulyEMALS, AAG and USS Gerald R. Ford had carried out 10,000 aircraft launches or recoveries.

Construction of PANG is scheduled to begin in 2025. Its first sea trials are expected to be in 2036, followed by commissioning in 2038 — the year Charles de Gaulle is expected to leave service.

The PANG will take over Charles de Gaulle’s role as the flagship of the French navy once it is commissioned. It will likely be in service until 2080.



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