Friday, September 23, 2022
HomeAnimalsUnwanted & Blistered Puppy Turns Into “Adorable Gremlin” With Permanent Smile

Unwanted & Blistered Puppy Turns Into “Adorable Gremlin” With Permanent Smile

Abby was not understood by the shelter workers when she was handed to them in a cardboard box. Her body was small and she had many blisters. Her skin was very raw and she looked extremely shaken. Within weeks, she was placed in a medical foster care home where she is now able receive the proper care.


Image (Screenshot/Story Video Source Credit): TheDodo via YouTube Video

It was obvious that this puppy had a strong fighting spirit. Even though she was sick, her tail would still wag when she called her name. Dina stepped up to become Abby’s foster mother. She was sure that despite all of Abby’s difficulties, the little girl had the will to live.


Image (Screenshot/Story Video Source Credit): TheDodo via YouTube Video


During the first two weeks that Abby was with Dina, she didn’t appear to be getting any better, as Dina explains in the video below. Abby’s skin blisters were getting worse. Abby would sob and go into her kennel. Abby couldn’t even be handled because it was too distressing.


Image (Screenshot/Story Video Source Credit): TheDodo via YouTube Video


Abby’s veterinarian conducted a series of tests and couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her. It didn’t make sense. Finally, Abby was diagnosed with a rare skin disorder that could be treated by the doctor. After starting the therapy, she began eating well and wanted to play with the other dogs and her foster mother.

As Abby’s personality developed, she became more mischievous. She would try to steal her foster mom’s food right out of her mouth! Even though her table manners weren’t the greatest, at least she was developing a healthy appetite.


Image (Screenshot/Story Video Source Credit): TheDodo via YouTube Video


Dina taught Abby how to play fetch. Abby discovered that walking is a lot more fun than playing fetch. She couldn’t wait to meet her new puppy pals and go on excursions, exploring the outside world with them.


Image (Screenshot/Story Video Source Credit): TheDodo via YouTube Video


Abby was able to grow into her adult body but her scars and scabs kept her hair from falling back. Dina describes her as an adorable little “gremlin.” Her adult teeth came in too and she developed this unique underbite that made her look like she was constantly smiling.


Image (Screenshot/Story Video Source Credit): TheDodo via YouTube Video


After receiving medical clearance, Abby was deemed healthy enough to adopt. Abby was allowed to find her forever family, which she did. Love and Rescue is a fantastic organization that stepped in to save Abby’s life by taking her from the shelter. Dina is like many medical fosters is a hero. These amazing individuals are an inspiration to us all. See Abby’s full tale below for further details. She’s a real little dog warrior!

Watch the video below to see her incredible journey!

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