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Two patients were helped by Brain Zaps to get on top of their binging – ScienceAlert

A small study found that electric shocks to the brain were able to eliminate the cravings in two patients with binge-eating disorders for at most six months. .

Two patients received a brain implant that would zap the cravings-related part of their brains.

They told The New York Times After the surgery, they were able to make better food decisions without even having to think about it.

It is necessary to test the technique on more patients in order to confirm its effectiveness. It could be a promising option. Millions of people struggle with binge-eating.

You are no longer a “craving person”

The study was published in Publication in the peer-reviewed journal Nature MedicineAugust It was intended to determine if the device is safe to use.

According to Casey Halpern a Penn Medicine associate professor of Neurosurgery, the study’s effect on the subjects was “really remarkable and exciting.” A press release was issued in conjunction with the study..

The two patients – Robyn Baldwin, 58, and Lena Tolly, 48 – said that they had fewer binging episodes. The implant appears to have made a significant difference in their lives. The Times.

Baldwin, for instance, said she’d gotten used to swinging by a Ben & Jerry’s on her way to the pharmacy. After the device was activated, Baldwin said that she could now go to the pharmacy without even thinking about ice cream.

The implant may even have altered the women’s food preferences.

Baldwin claimed that she used crave sweet foods but now prefers savory food. Tolly used to eat peanut butter straight out of the jar. She no longer craves it. The Times reported.

Baldwin said, “It is not like my thoughts don’t revolve around food.” Baldwin said, “But I don’t have a need for food anymore.”

Innovative treatments are needed to combat obesity

Both obese women stated that they have tried numerous ways to lose weight before.

Both had tried extreme dieting, and both had bariatric surgery (a procedure known as stomach surgery). The Times. However, the weight didn’t stop coming back.

It is common for obese people to experience this. Research has shown that obesity can be a deadly disease. This makes it extremely difficult for patients who want to lose weight.

Research is expanding to discover treatments. Do not rely on willpower.

It is appealing to target brain waves to combat cravings. So much so, that Elon Musk recently stated that his Neuralink brain implant could eventually fight morbid obesity

Previous research It was suggested that brainwaves are sent out by a small region of the brain called the hypothalamus before anyone feels a craving.

The implant that was used in the study could recognize brainwaves and then zap the area with electricity to scramble them. This seemed to reduce cravings.

The patients were followed for six months. According to the press release, there were no side effects and each patient lost over 11 pounds.

According to the release, one of the patients does not fit the criteria for a binge-eating disorder.

We need to do more research

You won’t find this implant in your doctor’s office. The scientists cannot prove it is the implant that caused the weight loss, as they only have two patients.

For instance, it’s possible for the surgery to have a placebo effect, or the effect may wear off over time.

Researchers will conduct a larger study to ensure this is not the case. They typically enroll hundreds of patients and include procedures to test the placebo effect.

Tolly Baldwin and Baldwin will be following the study for six months. Four more patients will be recruited.

This article was first published by Business Insider.

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