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HomeNewsTUCKER CARLSON - All prosperity in this nation depends on energy

TUCKER CARLSON – All prosperity in this nation depends on energy

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I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, a day away from politics and mass media with people you love and who love you back. It is a spiritual spa treatment. This is the idea. It would be more productive to do this more often than once a year. But we have returned and are making an obvious observation: Energy is the key to all prosperity in this country. It is the lifeblood of our consumer economy. 

It takes energy just to make and deliver things to your home. The tech economy is dependent on energy, and a lot of it. How do they manage to keep their servers farms running? Energy is the basis of almost everything Americans do for a living. It’s the key to health care and agriculture and yes, media and travel and construction, entertainment—even finance, which is symbiotic with the real economy, depends in the end on energy, because you can’t lend money to businesses if they no longer exist and if energy prices go up high enough, they don’t exist.  

Because energy is so central to America’s success, it’s difficult for us to believe that Biden would deliberately increase energy costs. It’s a fact that we have repeatedly seen throughout history that high energy prices are going to cause economic collapse even faster than COVID lockdowns. People will be poor. Some will die. This is not an assumption. It will happen. It’s impossible to imagine anyone, except our enemies, wanting to increase our energy prices until our economy collapses. Yet, the Biden administration has made this decision and they’re using dual instruments of climate policy as well as their war against Russia. 

The result? Many Americans cannot afford to purchase fossil fuels in the United States, which has the largest oil reserves. This is no accident. We are not going through a natural cycle. Politicians and policymakers do it deliberately. Now that the midterm elections have concluded, the media can begin to cover the inevitable results of these policies. CNN ran a CNN article on Americans concerned about the possibility of freezing to death in America’s winter. 


Charmaine Johnson, a 63-year old woman from Philadelphia, said she was torn between heating her house and buying food. She claimed that she chooses food because she doesn’t have any other choice. “It is miserable,” she stated. It’s like living inside an igloo. Tim Wiseley, a 67 year old man said that he only turns on the heat when his teeth start to chatter. You can’t go grocery shopping and also get oil. It doesn’t matter which one you choose,” he stated. It’s a terrible feeling. It’s something I would not wish on anyone. It’s a feeling Americans haven’t had in generations. 

These are American citizens who live in major American cities that were once considered first world. They can’t afford heat, and it’s happening all over the country. Average heating costs went up 17% last summer and are up an additional 18% this year. It is not natural. This is the result not only of policies by the Biden Administration and its allies but also in Washington think tanks and the American news media. This was not an accident. FOX Business reported that once winter arrives, things will only get worse. 

FOX BUSINESS Oil for Less is our partner and we hear that customers are having difficulty keeping up with the rising costs. Heating costs across the board are expected to rise this winter. Heating oil is up 68% year-over-year. They filled this tank today with $950 worth home heating oil. An year ago, they would have paid closer to $600 for the same amount. According to the company, some customers are simply unable to afford oil. 


MAN:People have lived without hot water or heat for weeks because they don’t have enough money to call me and say “Hey, come in!” 

They don’t have enough money to heat or hot water. I ask again, which country is this? Any country that can’t provide hot water or heat in the winter isn’t much of a country and again, it doesn’t need to be this way because we have the largest recoverable oil reserves on the planet. What happens when energy prices continue to rise? It’s not long before people run out money. The Bureau of Economic Analysis data shows that households are using their cash reserves faster than any economists predicted, even though credit card debt has reached historic levels.  

You’re done if you borrow money to pay for household expenses with your credit card at high rates. Business Insider reported that Americans had already used up nearly a third their savings. This is almost three times the amount previously thought, and indicates that spending will slow down soon. 


Yes, it happens when money runs out. People stop spending money because they don’t have it, and the consumer economy slows. Because it is not complicated economics, energy costs will rise again. This means that everything else will rise. The most expensive staple is food. Watch. 

CNN: This year’s Thanksgiving menu: Rising prices. Prices are up 7.7% compared to last year, and grocery prices are more that 12% higher than they were a year ago. This is what it means for your family’s grocery bill when you shop for the big meal. The turkey. The turkey’s per-pound price has increased 17% over the past year. The average frozen turkey is approximately $2.38 per pound. That’s an increase of approximately $1.74 Inflation at 40-years highs can be attributed to avian influenza outbreaks, higher fuel, feed, labor and other costs. But what about eggs? Eggs are 43% more expensive than they were a year ago. Butter and margarine prices have risen 34% Flour is up almost 25% Making pies will cost you more. This could impact your Thanksgiving plans. 

This is why? You heard the reporter mention it, but not explain it. Although there are many factors, there are only two major factors that drive this.Inflation is a driving forcea rising cost of everything all around you, and they are both in order: the global warming policy and war in Ukraine. As it does every time, the left subverted people’s best instincts and compassion to support these lunatic policies. If you care about people you will support the war against Ukraine. If you care about the environment, you will support global warming policiesThey were, however, not about what they claimed. They were both designed to raise energy costs, increase control over the people in charge and enrich their donors. 


The first thing you should do to solve this problem, if you want to help the American middle classes, is to forcibly end the conflict in Ukraine. This would benefit the entire world, and our middle class. You could encourage more domestic energy production since we have the domestic fuel. You can then look at the trillions of dollars we have spent on renewable energy such as solar panels, electric cars, and wind power. Although this has made a select few extremely wealthy, it has caused our grid to be inper and has increased the cost of energy beyond the means of middle-class Americans. But the Biden administration doesn’t want to find solutions. They are looking to make a few dollars more from an American middle class that is becoming increasingly poorer. 

Bloomberg reports that this week the (IRS) said that more auditors, and improved technology, could lead to a $1 trillion increase in revenue. So they have less money, and plan to take more. Is that not an act hostile? It is an act hostile. They don’t like you, and they’re not hiding it. However, big picture: Every other major company in America has laid off employees. The IRS somehow, thanks Joe Manchin, the moderate West Virginian, has the cash to hire 87,000 more employees. They’re coming for your. They did not hire these people accidentally. They were hired to make more of your money.  

Forecasting for a living is a job that many businesses have recognized and are now preparing to reduce workers. The result? An economic death spiral. Amazon is cutting back on employees in advance of Christmas shopping season. Usually, Amazon adds staff. Amazon laid off 10,000 employees, and Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, encouraged his customers not to purchase his products. This is what you should see.  


 Jeff Bezos attends the Axel Springer Award 2018 on April 24, 2018 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images)

 Jeff Bezos attends the Axel Springer Award 2018 on April 24, 2018 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krag/Getty Images).
(Photo by Franziska Kug/Getty Images).

BEZOS: The economy is not performing well right now. Things are slowing. Many sectors of the economy are seeing layoffs. People are slowing down. If we aren’t in a recession right away, the likelihood is that we will be soon. If you are an individual thinking of buying a large-screen TV, slow down. Save that money. You’ll be amazed at what happens. The same thing applies to a refrigerator, a new car, or any other item. This removes some risk. You might delay capital purchases if you are a small company. Are you sure that you need the new equipment? It might be possible to put it off for a while. You should always have cash available. If we get into more serious economic difficulties, a little risk reduction can make a big difference in the survival of a small business. You have to be open to the possibility. 

Is that the guy selling large-screen TVs over the internet telling his customers, his source of personal wealth, to not buy big-screen TVs from the internet? This is how concerned he is. Perhaps for the first ever time, he is actually caring about you. It’s amazing, and he’s certainly not the only one. Bezos doesn’t believe that our economy or the global economy is in danger. 

The IMF warned in October that the 2023 recession would be severe for most countries. Jamie Dimon (CEO of JPMorgan), the nation’s largest bank, stated that a recession would be almost certain within the next few months. What can you do to prevent a catastrophe? It’s likely that you can’t stop the disaster from happening. It’s important to know its outline. You can take a look to the housing market to find out. Sales of homes are at their lowest point in a decade.  


Mortgages are becoming too expensive as the Fed increases interest rates to combat inflation. However, if the Fed cut interest rates, home values would rise along with it. Inflation. Do you see the problem? We have reached the end of our ability to adjust our economy’s monetary policy. With all this in mind, you can only hope that there is an administration who understands the problem. It might be at least interested in fixing the problem and helping those in the middle class who don’t have enough.  

People at the bottom are always our concern. What can we do for the homeless? What do you with people who make $80,000 in the New York suburbs? They don’t matter to anybody. Joe Biden shows the truth. His economic plan is working.  


U.S. President Joe Biden reacts as he walks to greet Chinese President Xi Jinping before a meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit meeting, Monday, Nov. 14, 2022, in Bali, Indonesia.

As U.S. President Joe Biden walks to greet Chinese President Xi Jinping, he reacts. The meeting was held on Monday, November 14, 2022 in Bali, Indonesia.
(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

BIDEN: Folks, my economic strategy is starting to show results. It’s starting to show results. We are making progress in bringing down inflation without losing jobs. People are enjoying a much needed decrease in inflation as they head into the holiday season. 

This is pathetic, and everyone knows that it is. The only thing that the Biden administration has going for them is that they don’t lie at all. This is not working. The Democrats did well in the midterms. Unfortunately, Joe Biden is not running. Everyone knows that this is untenable. At this point, even the media understands that. Now the question is, who will replace Joe Biden? And what can that person do to stop the chaos created by his administration?  



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