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HomeBusinessTrump's Racist Comments About Elaine Chao are causing disapproval in the GOP

Trump’s Racist Comments About Elaine Chao are causing disapproval in the GOP

  • A growing number of conservatives are condemning Donald Trump’s recent Truth Social diatribe.
  • Trump used a racist nickname to refer to Elaine Chao, the former Secretary of Transportation. 
  • Rep. Liz Cheney along with many former Trump White House advisors and aides denounced the position.

This week, prominent conservatives denounced former Trump’s racist commentsElaine Chao, who was a once-member of Trump’s own cabinet but is now the wife of GOP Sen. Mitch McConnell.

However, Sen. Liz Cheney remains the only Republican member to have publicly condemned the ex-president for his xenophobic remarks.

Trump launched a barrage against McConnell, Senate Minority leader, Friday Truth Social tiradeBecause he hates Donald J. Trump, he accused the Kentucky lawmaker that he approved “trillions of dollars worth” of Democrat-sponsored bills.

Trump’s words, “He has a DEATH WISH”, were a sharp escalation in his usual political rhetoric.

The former president did not stop there. He continued to insult McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao (ex-Transport Secretary), and hurled a racist name at the Asian American woman.

McConnell suggested that McConnell “must immediately seek advice (sic) from Coco Chow, his China-loving wife.”

Insider asked for comment from representatives of McConnell and Chao. 

Trump’s diatribe immediately drew a storm of condemnation — primarily from Democratic lawmakers and liberal-leaning pundits, but Republican Rep. Liz Cheney on Monday joined the dissenting chorus.

“When you observe former President Trump suggesting in a thinly disguised way, using words which could well cause violence towards the Republican leader of Senate, saying that he has a dying wish, and then, as you know, launching an absolutely deplorable, racist attack on Secretary Chao, Leader McConnell’s wife, and then watch the fact the fact that nobody from my party will tell that’s unacceptable,” Cheney told an audience at Syracuse University. According to The Hill

According to the outlet, Trump’s remarks were “not acceptable” by Wyoming representative. She suggested that every member of her party should “require” to agree.

Cheney is a vocal Trump critic who will leave Congress next year, having lost the August primary to a Trump-backed candidate.

Mitch McConnell; Elaine Chao

Mitch McConnell (Republican-Ky.), left, with his wife Elaine Chao, during a Louisville, Ky. press conference on Wednesday, November 4, 2020.

AP Photo/Timothy D. Easley

Cheney was the only Republican member to criticize Trump’s remarks Monday. McConnell has yet to address this matter.

Sen. Rick Scott has stumbled into the controversyThis weekend: CNN,It was not okay to be racist, he said. Trump was not directly refuted by the Florida lawmaker. 

Scott stated, “I believe you always need to be cautious, you know? If you’re in public eye, what you say?” “You want inclusion.”

While many Republican legislators remain silent on the issue, a growing number conservative figures have expressed disapproval at Trump’s attack.

Scott Jennings is a right-wing punditA former McConnell aide, said to CNN that every Republican should be able “to disavow” what he called Trump’s “assassination orders” against McConnell. 

Jennings stated, “This is absurd, it’s beyond belief, every Republican should say so.” 

Alyssa Farah Griff, who was the White House communications director during Trump’s administration, is now co-host of “The View.” Trump was condemned in a tweet on Saturday

She wrote, “He’s certainly not trying to hide his racism at this point.” 

Et cetera CBS NewsMarc Short, a senior adviser to Mike Pence and previously director of legislative affairs under the Trump administration, claimed Monday that Chao’s racist slur was “obviously wrong”. 



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