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HomeBusinessTrump Supporters Stop Making the QAnon Salute At N. Carolina Rally

Trump Supporters Stop Making the QAnon Salute At N. Carolina Rally

  • Last week, Trump supporters appeared to perform a QAnon finger salute. This caused controversy.
  • On Friday, North Carolina supporters appeared to repeat the salute just before security stopped them.
  • Trump is now more open to the QAnon conspiracy than ever.

MAGA supporters at a Donald Trump rally seemed to have been asked to stop performing a one-finger QAnon salute on Friday in Wilmington, North Carolina.

A Twitter video shows rally-goers raising their arms and pointing at the sky while Trump speaks. Then, a staff member appears to approach them and ask them to stop.


Lisa Desjardins, a journalist at PBS Newshour, was there. TweetThe security personnel reached out to everyone and asked them to drop their hands. 

She claimed that she had spoken to rally-goers and they confirmed that the salute was a QAnon reference. It symbolises its slogan “Where We Go One We Go All”. One man said to her that he was furious at being told to stop and that it was his constitutional right.


This salute was seen for the first time at a Trump rally last Thursday in Youngstown, Ohio, Many people lifted their fingers to show appreciation. Song linked to QAnonPlayed in the background

Trump’s amplifying of the controversy caused further controversy. Social media references to QAnonThis led to speculation as to why the former president was now openly gay. Acceptance of the cultish conspiracy theories movement.

Alex Kaplan is a senior researcher at US-based media watchdog Media Matters. Grid News The QAnon signaling may provide insights into Trump’s mental state.

Kaplan explained to the outlet that he has seen a correlation between Trump’s increasing use of QAnon-promoting accounts when he is under stress or angry.

He is under increasing legal pressure because of his former presidency Multiple investigations and lawsuitsThis includes a Department of Justice investigation into the handling of federal records by him and an a fraud lawsuit New York Attorney-General, against Trump and his businesses

Grid News was told by Kaplan that it was “obviously worrying” to see the former President embrace conspiracy theory, particularly considering it was linked to multiple acts violence, including a. murder in Michigan Last week.

Security at the North Carolina rally was likely to have been affected by recent criticisms of Trump’s QAnon-related links. This might have prevented some members from saluting.



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