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HomeBusinessTrump Said That He was Tougher Than Clinton or Nixon When Impeached

Trump Said That He was Tougher Than Clinton or Nixon When Impeached

  • The new tapes were taken from Trump’s interviews in person with Bob Woodward, a veteran journalist.
  • Trump boasted in one audio recording that he was toughest president facing impeachment.
  • “Nixon was encroaching in a corner with his thumb in the air.” Trump said that Bill Clinton had taken it very, very difficult.”

A new audio clip features former President Donald Trump boasting about how tougher he was than his predecessors while he was being impeached.

CNNBob Woodward, a veteran journalist, provided audio files of Trump’s conversations during which Trump made comparisons between his impeachment and that of former presidents Richard Nixon or Bill Clinton.

Woodward met Trump 20 times from 2016 to 2020 and recorded over eight hours of audio. Woodward will release the audio in his forthcoming audiobook, “The Trump Tapes”: Bob Woodward’s Twenty Conversations with President Trump.

“There’s no one tougher than I.” Trump stated in an undated clip that aired on CNN Tuesday, “Nobody’s more difficult than me.” 

“You asked me about impeachment. Trump replied, “I’m under impeachment. You said, you know.

“Nixon was positioned in a corner holding his thumb in the air. Trump said that Bill Clinton had taken it very, very seriously.” “I do things as I see fit, okay?”

Trump was the US’s first president to be impeached twice. In December 2019, he was the first to be impeached. His involvement in the Ukraine scandalHe was Accused of trying to obtain Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 election while withholding military aid. Trump was impeached once more January 2021He was indicted by Congress for inciting insurrection. He was acquitted of both charges.

Trump was the Threatens of impeachment for fourth presidentTrump was the second president to be impeached, after Andrew Johnson and James Truman. 1868Clinton in 1998.

Nixon was facing an impeachment investigation in 1974 Watergate scandal but resigned before the House could impeach him.

Clinton swore under oath in January 1998 that he had never had an affair with Monica Lewinsky (then White House intern). Months later, Clinton RecognizeHe had an affair with Lewinsky. Clinton was Congress impeached him December 19, 1998On charges of perjury, obstruction of justice. After being impeached, he did not resign and was tried. In February 1999, the Senate exonerated him.

Insider reached out to Clinton and Trump representatives but they did not respond immediately.



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