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HomeBusinessTrump Called Pence Too Honest to Refuse to Overturn Elections, Ex-VP Says

Trump Called Pence Too Honest to Refuse to Overturn Elections, Ex-VP Says

  • Ex-VP Mike Pence described Trump’s attempts to get him to reverse the 2020 election results.
  • Trump accused him of being “too honest” about his assessment of legality in rejecting electoral votes.
  • Pence will publish his forthcoming memoir at the same time that Trump might announce a bid for 2024.

In his memoir, Mike Pence stated that President Donald Trump had criticized him for being honest as Pence refused the attempt to reverse the 2020 election results.

The following is an An excerpt was published in The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday — the day after a midterm election in which Republicans, particularly those most aligned with Trump, significantly underperformed expectations — Pence detailed his mindset as he faced pressure from Trump.

Pence spoke out about many instances when he was not in agreement with Trump during the time between 2020 and January 2021. He said that he supported former president Trump’s legal challenges. Even saying that he appreciated Republican Senator Josh Hawley’s plans to sponsor election objections.

“Without senator’s support I would have been required dismiss House objections sans debate, something that I didn’t want,” wrote Pence.

The former vice president detailed a New Year’s Day interaction that he had with Trump, which was spurred by an a Louie Gohmert (Republican Representative) of Texas filed suit that sought a declaration from a federal judge that Pence had the authority to decide which electoral votes count — a departure from the ceremonial role that Pence thought he should play.

Trump stated that Trump did not want the headline “Pence Opposes Gohmert Suit”, according to Pence.

Trump became furious when Pence told him that he was against the lawsuit. Trump said that if it gave him the power, he asked him why he would oppose it.

Trump mocked Pence again after he said that he didn’t believe the Constitution gave him such authority.

Trump stated, “You are too honest.” “Hundreds of thousands are going to hate your guts… people will think that you are stupid.”

They disagreed until the day of election count when supporters of former president stormed Capitol with some of them shouting “Hang Mike Penne!” 

The ex-vice president is now hinting at a presidential bid, despite widespread expectations that Trump would seek the nomination again. Pence’s memoir, “So Help Me God,” is set to publish on Tuesday, November 15 — the same day that Trump has said he’ll be making a “very big announcement,” presumably the announcement of a 2024 presidential campaign.



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