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HomeBusinessTrump advised him not to testify live before Jan 6 Panel:

Trump advised him not to testify live before Jan 6 Panel:

  • Rolling Stone reports that Trump’s advisors don’t want Trump to testify before the January 6 panel.
  • Rolling Stone was told by a source that aides hope to “talk him out of it.”
  • However, the source said they were unsure if the advice “actually sunk in or stuck” with Trump.

According to former President Donald Trump’s advisers Rolling StoneThey tried desperately to convince him not live to testify before the January 6 panel.

On October 13, the January 6, panel Unanimously voted to subpoena Trump. The New York TimesIt was reported that Trump might answer the subpoena. Wants to testify live on TV.

Rolling Stone spoke with three sources who were familiar with the subject, including a Trump legal counsel. These sources informed Rolling Stone that many Trump lawyers and political advisors had advised Trump not to speak to the committee.

The Trump legal adviser told Rolling Stone that the counsel they gave Trump regarding his testimony — on live TV or otherwise — would be to “absolutely fucking not” do it.

Another source from Rolling Stone said, “It’s my hope that he talked us out of it.” “The former President seemed to be open to our arguments against it. But with Donald Trump it can sometimes be difficult to tell sometimes what has really sunk or stuck.”

According to Rolling Stone, Trump was also informed by his advisers that the January 6 panel members would use Trump’s testimony as evidence in perjury cases if he lies on the stand.

Informally, the January 6 panel Trump was subpoenaedOn October 21, a letter was sent to Trump asking him to turn over all documents by November 4. He also requested that he testify on or before November 14. Trump is required to comply with the subpoena. If he does not cooperate, he may be held in contempt of Congress referred to the Justice Department for prosecution — much like his allies Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro.

Trump could be a candidate. It is possible to defer complying with a subpoena.If the GOP wins the House in November, the House Select Committee may be disbanded, its work stopped, and the subpoena ignored.

Trump did not indicate whether he would testify during the 14-page report. documenthe released the following day, after the October 13 vote by the January 6 panel. Trump however, on October 14Shared a Fox News articleTruth Social: Title: Trump “loves the idea” of testifying before Jan. 6 Committee: Source close to the former president

Insider reached out to Trump’s post-presidential office for clarification but was not immediately able to respond.



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