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This is everything you need to know about Andor on Disney+

Lucasfilm’s first major Star WarsSeries of the Year just recently aired in the form Obi-Wan Kenobi, but what could be one of the studio’s most ambitious Disney+Series is right around the corner. Andor is (another) prequel story set during the age of the Galactic Empire and the Rebellion, this time focusing on Diego Luna’s spy character Cassian Andor from Star Wars Story: Rogue One.

It will include details about his life and a new supporting cast from the years preceding the events. Rogue OneIt may not be, but the season structure is what might make it so ambitious. In addition to boasting stronger VFX that Disney+ released in a hurry, Andor The series has been planned as a 24-episode series, spread over two seasons. It’s somewhat refreshing to see a big-budget franchise show have a clear vision in mind from behind the scenes, and these are the things worth in-universe before going into its premiere.

Setting the scene and the timeline

Cassian Andor and the supporting cast in an Andor promo poster.

It is not unusual for the studio to make a living from post-production.Revenge of the Sith Pre-A New Hope timeframe for everything it’s worth, but Andor We can expect to use the genre approach to make the most this era. As Mandalorian It was possible to mix sci-fi with fiction. with the western genre, Andor This is a Star Wars-themed spy thriller set five years ago. Rogue One and — by extension — Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope.

It appears to be more grittier than we are used to, or around the same grounded tone. Mandalorian. This grounded atmosphere can allow for more character-driven storytelling. Andor Opening during the Rebellion’s early days to help build momentum for the future Original Star Wars trilogy was expanded into.

However, season one will be five years ahead of the others. Rogue One And A New Hope, it will specifically cover just one year’s worth of canon. The remaining 12 episodes of season 2 will be aired in order to cover the four remaining years. Tony Gilroy, the showrunner, spoke to us in an interview. Total FilmThe second season will be broken into four blocks with three episodes. Each block will move the timeline by one-year until it feeds into Season 2. Rogue One.

Star Wars is just one of many major media franchises that have a wealth of lore. Andor‘s series structure seems like an interesting way to ease audiences into what’s essentially a prequel within a prequel.

Cassian Andor: Who are you?

Split image of Cassian Andor and the crew in Rogue One.

Honing in Cassian Andor is the lead man is a much newer addition to the greater Star Wars canon considering the franchise’s 45-year history. And while the state of the franchise post-acquisition has been rocky quality-wise due to the disjointed sequel trilogy, Gareth Edwards’ Star Wars Story: Rogue One Retroactively, it has been deemed to be the strongest Disney-era cast. It was also largely defined and defined by its original characters.

Diego Luna’s Rebel spy was one of several members of the crew complementing Felicity Jones’ born-again freedom fighter Jyn Erso, and he was noted as a standout performer despite the movie itself shedding little light on his backstory. Cassian lost his father, and one of the few facts about Cassian’s origins is in Rogue OneSix years old, he joined Rebellion as a spy-turned-thief and assassin.

Since Andor is a prequel to a prequel, simply keeping up with the movies will let audiences know that Cassian’s fate ends in tragedy and grand sacrifice alongside his comrades at the end of Rogue One. It takes only minutes for the movie to end. Before the beginning of A New Hope, where Princess Leia Organa is kidnapped for obtaining the Death Star schematics — which Cassian Andor and Jyn Erso died to steal for the Rebellion on the Imperial-occupied planet of Scarif.

Star Wars Story: How Andor connects with Rogue One

Rogue One Oscar Effects

Rogue One The stakes were raised for a result many of us already know feels painstakingly authentic. The Star Wars-themed war epics and heists were more serious and grounded. This helped to part of the result. However, the final act raised the tension and felt of loss and sent the fear into high gear.

One of the biggest criticisms about the movie was the large cast of characters that prevented each of them from being explored beyond Jyn Erso. Andor will feature a similarly grown Cassian since the series begins only half a decade before his sacrifice, but fans can probably expect to be fed pieces of the battle-hardened Rebel spy’s origins through flashback sequences.

Even though Rogue One It was more of an epic war story, Andor will be leaning into the espionage side of the Galactic Civil War, fans are likely safe in expecting a similar level of grit to the storytelling — as those who saw the special series preview at the end of Rogue One‘s recent theatrical re-release should know. The audience should also enjoy some political intrigue, as Senator Mon Mothma is back to confront the dark machinations in Imperial politics and secretly help the Rebellion.

AndorWhile the series will likely be set in a familiar setting and timeline, it should also have some creative elements that allow it to create something new within this familiarity.

Lucasfilm’s Star Wars Story: Rogue One You can stream it now on Disney+ Andor will have a three-episode series premiere on September 21, with the season’s remaining nine episodes streaming on a weekly basis.

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