Tuesday, November 8, 2022
HomeAnimalsThe Video of a Dog Recognizing MLB Uncle on TV Couldn’t Be...

The Video of a Dog Recognizing MLB Uncle on TV Couldn’t Be Sweeter

As it stands now, the Houston Astros are competing with Philadelphia Phillies for the World Series title. Eyes have been fixed on the TV since the beginning of October’s playoff month. Yes, some pet eyes are included in this.

OK, maybe not all animals enjoy watching the MLB playoffs. But the dog of an MLB analyst at Fox Sports is definitely paying attention. Not only is @ben verlander’s dog watching the game on TikTok, but the dog is also rooting for a specific player. You’ll be stunned by Lyla, his dog, when she watches her uncle throwing.

@ben_verlanderDogs are the best. #baseball #dog #family #dogs #puppy #puppies #Astros #MLB ♬ Cool Kids (our sped up version) – Echosmith



Take it in! Is there anything more precious than this? We are astonished beyond belief that his dog recognized the TV’s presenter. Do you now believe us when we say that dogs are too smart for us, if you didn’t before?

@spartanlady said, “He must play the best games of fetch. OHHH! That wasn’t even a thought for us. Perhaps that’s why this dog saw him on TV. LOL! She’s tired of him being in the playoffs, said @markmccarty23, adding, “Oh goodness she wants to play catch with him.” She desires the return of her preferred ball-thrower.


@pambamgoinham wrote, “Little Lylaaaaa is the best support.” 100%! Did you notice how high she jumped when she showed her uncle the screen? “This is why dogs are so awesome,” commented @eggy635. Retweet! Just another reason why we don’t deserve them.


Source: Pet Helpful



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