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HomeScienceThe Pandemic Actually Did Impact Us On A Personal Level. ScienceAlert

The Pandemic Actually Did Impact Us On A Personal Level. ScienceAlert

The global coronavirus pandemicWe are still trying understand how the effects on nearly everyone around the world. One of the consequences is that many people became more moody, sometimes to the point where they were less agreeable and neurotic.

The shift was most evident in younger people, according to a study that included 7,109 individuals aged 18-90. The research found no significant differences in elderly persons. Statistically significant changes.

Whereas previous research has suggested that collectively stressful but localized events – such as a natural disaster – don’t move the needle on most personality traits, this study shows that global environmental pressures can indeed make a difference.

“There was a limited amount of personality change in the early stages of the pandemic, but there were striking changes beginning in 2021.” The study’s authors agree.. “Of all, it is noteworthy that the personality of young adults changed most with marked increases in neuroticism, declines in agreeableness, and conscientiousness.”

“It is clear that younger adults are more stressed and moody, less trusting and cooperative, and less responsible and restrained.”

The following was used by the researchers: Big Five personality trait model – covering neuroticism, extroversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness – to assess the study participants, with extroversion one of the traits taking a dip overall.

Considering the lockdowns that swept the world, limiting how often we could go out and interact with other people face-to-face, it’s perhaps no surprise that we ended up less extroverted – a trait This link is toBeing outgoing and enjoying socializing with other people.

Another characteristic that seems to have diminished in the aftermath of the pandemic is openness.

Researchers report that personality changes can take many years.

The researchers wrote that “the changes were approximately one-tenth the standard deviation, which would be equivalent to around one decade of normative person change,” in their report. Published paper.

It is interesting to note that the decreases in extroversion and openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness occurred in 2021 and 2022, but were not significant in 2020. It is possible that the stress response was delayed or changed with the progress of the pandemic.

In terms of personality shifts (they happened earlier), and the levels of extraversion and openness, the differences were greater in Hispanics and Latinos than in other age groups.

As the researchers note, this indicates that the stresses of the pandemic were not shared out equally – and that some parts of the community had it better than others in regards to the financial cost of COVID and how easily its risks could be avoided.

Next is the question of how permanent these changes are likely. This includes whether they will last for many years or whether our personalities will be able to return to their old state. This has important implications for our mental and bodily health.

“We don’t know if these changes are permanent or temporary, but if they persist they could have serious long-term implications.” Angelina Sutin is a behavioral scientistFlorida State University

“Neuroticism is a trait that predicts mental and physical health. It also predicts relationships, educational, and occupational outcomes.

The research was published in PLOS One.



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