Thursday, October 20, 2022
HomeTechnologyThe metaverse is already home to the next generation

The metaverse is already home to the next generation

It’s Friday evening and I am sitting on my couch, watching my son play Minecraft alongside his cousin who lives 600 miles away. They are laughing as they race each other on a custom hide and seek map, which one of them created. That’s when it struck me. We don’t have to wait five to ten years to see the metaverse. It is already here and the next generation lives in it.

How do we then compare that with the most recent figures from a report? Information(opens in a new window) which shows that Meta — and other companies like it — are spending in upwards of $70 billion to build the meta(opens new tab)What will the future hold for the next ten years? As The Information’s article points out, this is twenty times the amount Apple invested when building the original iPhone.



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