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HomeScienceThe Horrors of an Infinite Cosmos: Will Black Holes Renew the Cosmos?...

The Horrors of an Infinite Cosmos: Will Black Holes Renew the Cosmos? (The Galaxy Report).

ESO Observatories Chile


Today’s stories include It is not surprising that technologically advanced aliens are social beings. to Alien intelligence as physics, and much more.

Why technologically advanced aliens would have to be social creatures–Cooperation was the first technology, reports Bi Think. “We do know that fitness in early hominids was measured not only by physical prowess, but by social skills in the community. Hominids’ achievements, including their ability for innovation, were made possible by social cohesion. The balance between cooperation and competition is key to the success of civilizations.”

Black Holes are the Universe’s Rejuvenating Systems. “In the Centre of black holes “old matter” is transformed back into “fresh energy” in the form of huge jets. This model suggests that the universe exists in a dynamic system. Big Bang appears to be part of the history of science. 

Signs from an Extraterrestrial Civilization May Be Older than 90,000 YearsThe Daily Galaxy reports. “For all we know, if galactic radiation-emitting civilizations exist, they could be located anywhere in the Milky Way. The time it takes for electromagnetic waves from the other side of the galaxy to reach Earth could be up to 90,000 years. This is how long it takes for a signal to reach Earth. 

The Big Bang should have cracked spacetime—why haven’t we found them? Cosmic strings’ greatest power? Ars Technica reports on their ability to confuse physicists. “Remember that time in the Lord of the Rings lore when the dwarves of Moria dug too greedily and too deep, unearthing the Balrog, an ancient horror not meant to roam free in the modern age? The cosmic strings work in physics, but are very similar to that. They are hypothetical leftovers from the momentous transformations experienced by our Universe when it was less than a second old.”

Trip to InfinityIndy100 reports that Netflix’s new documentary is blowing minds of viewers. “The documentary called A Trip to Infinity, which was released on the streaming platform in September, explores the concept of ‘infinity’ by using a series of complex theories about physics as well as maths, cosmology and philosophy.”

“Coming Attractions” –Alien Intelligence as Physics, The Daily Galaxy reports. “One day we shall meet our equals, or our masters, among the stars” wrote Arthur C. Clark in 2001. But men, he added, “have been slow to face this prospect; some still hope that it may never become reality. Increasing numbers, however, are asking: ‘Why have such meetings not occurred already, since we ourselves are about to venture into space?” The truth we eventually discover, Clarke suggests, will be far stranger.”

Exoplanet with iron rainfall puzzles and an additional atmospheric elementNew Atlas reports. “The exoplanets WASP-76 b and WASP-121 b are already known to be peculiar places, but a new discovery has raised even more questions about the composition of these celestial bodies. Astronomers studying the pair have discovered the heaviest element ever found in an exoplanet atmosphere, which is several times heavier than iron and suggests these ultra-hot Jupiter-like planets are even stranger than suspected.”

Renowned Arecibo telescope won’t be rebuilt — and astronomers are heartbroken –The US National Science Foundation has decided to instead open an educational center on the site, reports Nature. ““It’s heartbreaking,” says Héctor Arce, an astronomer at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, who is from Puerto Rico and has worked on Arecibo advocacy efforts. ‘To many it seems like yet another unjust way of treating the colonial territory of Puerto Rico’.”

Astronomers Think They’ve Developed an ‘Early Warning System’ For SupernovaeScienceAlert reports that they are. “With this early-warning system, we can get ready to observe them real-time, to point the world’s best telescopes at the precursor stars, and watch them getting literally ripped apart in front of our eyes.”

Aliens Might Tell Earth That It Is an Exoplanet if Earth Was an ExoplanetScienceAlert reports. “It’ll take a lot of science and innovative reasoning before we ever get to a point where we can say “Yes. This distant planet is habitable.”

Artificial intelligence is being sought to predict the future. “Artificial intelligence model predictions from historical data on how AI research would develop over five years matched reality with more than 99 per cent accuracy – soon they will be asked what comes next.” reports New Scientist.

NASA observed the brightest burst ever?–1.9 billion years ago, a star’s explosive death created a black hole. Its light has just reached Earth. Did it make a cosmic record? Big Think. “On October 9, 2022, its light arrived here on Earth, including gamma-rays, X-rays, and an optical afterglow that still endures.”


US-led project examines fraction of a second after big bang and ‘how all the structures in the night sky started’The Guardian reports. “Researchers from the UK are joining an international effort to uncover what the universe looked like a fraction of a second after it burst into existence, and how the cosmic order we see today emerged from primordial chaos.

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