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HomeScienceThe Galaxy Report: Impossible Young Stars at Milky Way’s Center to Deep...

The Galaxy Report: Impossible Young Stars at Milky Way’s Center to Deep Mystery of the Infinite Universe

ESO Observatories Chile

Today’s stories include Particles may emerge out of empty space to Research hub wants to prepare humanity for potential proof of alien life, and much more.

We may finally know how impossible stars at our galaxy’s center formed--The center of the Milky Way is home to more than 100 young stars that shouldn’t exist. New Scientist reports that researchers may now have figured out how they formed.

The deep mystery of the infinite universe--An iAi interview featuring George Ellis, a distinguished cosmologist who is also a co-author of Stephen Hawking’s Cosmology. We discuss the limitations of cosmology and why we cannot know if the universe has a beginning or an end. 

Astronomy faces a threat from satellite constellationsThe growing swarms spacecraft orbiting in orbit are outshining stars and scientists fear that no one can stop them, Rebecca Boyle reports for Scientific American.

The Dragonfly Galaxy 44: The Enduring reports: Astronomers are forced to come up with new theories about galactic evolution due to the growing number of dim and huge galaxies, such as Dragonfly 44.

The sounds of the stars: How scientists listen in to space –In astronomy, the use of sound instead of light is breaking down barriers to participation and providing insight into the Universe, reports Nature. “For decades, astronomers have been making fundamental discoveries by listening to data, as well as looking at it. In the early 1930s, Karl Jansky, a physicist at Bell Telephone Laboratories in New Jersey, traced static in radio communications to the center of the Milky Way — a finding that led to the birth of radio astronomy. 

Neutrinos were spotted in a mysterious, shrouded galaxy.–Cosmic neutrinos are tough to track – it has only been done once before – but researchers from the IceCube observatory in Antarctica have tracked 79 of them back to their home galaxy, reports New Scientist.

‘We cannot afford to be ill prepared’: Research hub wants to prepare humanity for potential proof of alien life, CTV News reports. “Will we ever get a message from E.T.? We don’t know,” John Elliott, the hub’s co-ordinator and a University of St Andrews computer scientist, said in a news release. “But we do know that we cannot afford to be ill prepared—scientifically, socially, and politically rudderless—for an event that could turn into reality as early as tomorrow and which we cannot afford to mismanage.”

A miniature universe shows how particles could emerge from empty space.–A first-of-its-kind experiment simulating the cosmos with ultracold potassium atoms suggests that in a curved, expanding universe pairs of particles pop up out of empty space, reports New Scientist.

How JWST could detect signs of alien life within exoplanet atmospheres New Scientist reports. The James Webb Space Telescope allows for unprecedented views of alien skies. Astronomers now have six potential host planets in its sights.

SETI Scientists Developing New ‘Contact Protocols’ for Aliens--Humanity might not “speak extraterrestrial.” The SETI Post-Detection Hub wants to coordinate how we respond to alien life, reports CNet. “Will we ever get a message from E.T.? We don’t know,” said St. Andrews SETI specialist John Elliott, the coordinator for the project. “We also don’t know when this is going to happen. But we do know that we cannot afford to be ill prepared — scientifically, socially, and politically rudderless — for an event that could turn into reality as early as tomorrow and which we cannot afford to mismanage.”

Searching for Life on Extremely Eccentric Exoplanets –-When we think of life beyond Earth, especially exoplanets or other worlds, we instantly want to search for Earth 2.0. But what if we’re looking in the wrong places? What if we find life on exoplanets that don’t possess the aforementioned characteristics, i.e., Earth 2.0? Universe Today.

Dark Matter Is Only the Tip of an Unknown Universe of Forces? The Daily Galaxy asks. “The discovery of the dark photon could explain many of the mysteries of the universe.”

No signs of alien life found near source of famous ‘Wow!’ reporter Elizabeth Howell reports that it is. Researchers say there are more stars to see.

Images of supernovas in red-supergiants reveal the secrets to an earlier universeAccording to the University of Minnesota, “This is the first detailed look at a supernova at a much earlier epoch of the universe’s evolution,” said Patrick Kelly, a lead author of the paper. “It’s very exciting because we can learn in detail about an individual star when the universe was less than a fifth of its current age, and begin to understand if the stars that existed many billions of years ago are different from the ones nearby.”

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