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HomeScienceThe full story is not told by weight loss statistics. ScienceAlert: Experts...

The full story is not told by weight loss statistics. ScienceAlert: Experts explain why this matters

It is often said that 95 percentThese weight loss measures are available don’t work. It’s false. The advancements in behavioral treatments (such as Cognitive behavioural therapy) for obesity and weight-loss drugsThere are many ways to lose weight.

Actually, weight loss is relatively easy. Problem is, if you stop following a weight loss diet or taking a weight-loss medication, your weight will always creep up.

This does not mean that diets or other weight loss treatments are ineffective. It is far from it.

A study was published in recent years. Lancet Public HealthResearchers checked in with participants five years after they completed the 12- or 52 week WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers) program.

Although, on average, people’s weight had crept back up, some weight loss – about 2 kilograms, on average – was sustained for up to five years.

Even a short period of being at a lower body weight can significantly reduce the lifetime risk of developing cancer. DiabetesHeart disease, and other weight-related illnesses. For people who are obese and their healthcare providers, weight loss can be very demoralizing.

Because of the stigma attached to obesity, people often view failures in treatment as personal failures. It is false. This is why the weight keeps coming back on.

Your brain won’t allow you to lose weight

There are many reasons why weight gain back can be caused by a variety of factors. Our brain hates when we lose weight. Because it considers losing weight a decrease of our survival chances, it will try to bring your weight back up.

As you lose weight, your brain reduces your metabolic rateYou will be subtly more productive if you can control your metabolism (the rate at the which your body burns calories). It is a fact that if two people are identical in weight, with one person being stable and the other losing weight, the former will need to eat less to maintain their weight.

Leptin, a hormone made from fat, is responsible for this. Leptin plays a key role in letting your brain know how much fat is present. Leptin production is increased if you have more fat. When you lose weight, your brain will sense the drop in leptin.

It is what makes it exciting. Scientists have proven this.You can reduce weight loss by injecting just enough leptin into your brain to trick it into believing you haven’t lost weight. There is no treatment based on these findings yet – but watch this space.

In addition to the biological reasons, every person with obesity has a unique combination of psychological and socio-economic factors that have contributed. These factors will not disappear with weight loss.

Obese people who have lost weight live in environments where high-energy, low-nutrition food is readily available, promoted heavily, and is cheaper. Food is often the center of social activities. Food is a way to celebrate, eat, and give thanks. It takes a lot of effort and continuous thought to eat less.

We can learn from behavioral treatments for obesity such as cognitive behavioural therapy or commercial group programmes. StrategieThey can help us manage it, but they won’t make it any easier. They won’t make our lives simpler.

Life events and daily stressors can cause people to change their weight loss routines. Drugs that target biological driver only work when they are taken. Biology fights back, and surgery can also address biological drivers.

Chronic treatments

It is unrealistic to assume that one-time interventions will result in permanent weight loss. Take the high blood pressure medication. It is extremely effective and no one wants to stop the treatment after your blood pressure normalizes. It would simply go back up. The same holds true for weight-loss treatments.

Obesity should be viewed as a chronic relapsing disorder. Obese people need support and treatment for their entire lives. Instead of dismissing the possibility of effective treatments due to weight regain, it is important that we are open with patients about what options they have and whether ongoing support will be required. Chronic conditions need chronic treatment.

The dominant society view is that obesity can be solved by eating less and moving more. People with obesity need to “be” healthier.Be ashamed of your fat“Into becoming thin. People with obesity aren’t bad, lazy, or morally deficient. They are fighting their biology as well as their environment. Obesity should not be a choice.The Conversation

Amy AhernPrincipal Research Associate, MRC Epidemiology Unit University of CambridgeAnd Giles YeoProfessor of Molecular Neuroendocrinology at the University of Cambridge’s MRC Metabolic Diseases Unit. University of Cambridge

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