Monday, October 31, 2022
HomeAnimalsThe Cutest Reason Dog Hugs Dad in the Water

The Cutest Reason Dog Hugs Dad in the Water

With his family, Navó enjoys having excursions in the Netherlands. This adorable dog loves to go swimming and hiking. However, fear can occasionally occur, especially when there’s water.

To effectively encourage Navó when he is feeling anxious, his father gives him a big hug.

Nathalie Weusten, the mother of Navó, finds her dog’s persistence in swimming snuggles to be endearing every time.

Weusten believes that Navó enjoys hugs because they make him feel protected, ensure his family’s safety, and, simply, because he loves cuddling.

“Navó loves to swim and is good at it, but [he] feels most secure when he is near one of us,” Weusten said. “He hates it when one of us is too far away in the water, especially when swimming, as he thinks we might be in danger. We cuddle a lot, [so] I think it also makes him feel safe.”

Water is nothing new to Navó. His father, Donald Hillebregt competes in triathlons. Hillebregt enjoys including Navó in training sessions whenever feasible. Navó is always excited to go along because he jumps at the opportunity to spend time with his loved ones.

When he’s not swimming, the curious dog loves to play fetch and observe the vast universe.

“He loves to observe everyone and everything,” Weusten said. “He is very social [and] gets along well with everyone.”

Navó has already shown to be the ideal pet for them. In addition, Navó is always there to give Weusten the companionship he needs when Hillebregt is gone competing or training.

“We are really inseparable,” Weusten said. “I love him so much … you could say [he is] literally my dream come true!”

SOURCE : The Dodo



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