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The ‘Confrontational’ nature of GOP is the most significant change in US House

  • StenyHoyer spoke out about his leadership time as he prepares the handover.
  • In a Washington Post interview, he complained about the “confrontational” nature of some Republicans within the chamber.
  • Hoyer will be stepping down as House leader, but will still be present in the House in January 2023.

Outgoing Democratic House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, who has long enjoyed strong relationships across the political aisle, said in a recent interview that the “biggest change” he’s noticed in the lower chamber is the more “confrontational” nature of Republicans.

Hoyer is a Marylander who served in Congress from 1981 to 1981. Top Republicans often approach Hoyer first when they are looking for deals on different pieces.

But in An interview with the The Washington Post, Hoyer — who will step back from leadership but remain in the House in January — was remarkably candid about the toll that partisanship has taken in a chamber where he is always looking to forge bipartisan consensus.

According to him, the greatest change in the institution has been the behavior of confrontational Republicans.

Hoyer was in 1990 the lead sponsor for the Americans With Disabilities Act. He worked alongside then-GOP Rep. Steve Barrett from Texas and President George H.W. Bush to pass the comprehensive legislation. 

However, after Paul Ryan of Wisconsin and John Boehner (Oregon) failed to control the extreme elements of their party’s former GOP House Speakers, it became harder to govern.

Hoyer stated, “That’s the greatest change,” while also pointing out the events of January 6, 2021.



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