Tuesday, November 1, 2022
HomeAnimalsThe clever way a Border Collie helps a puppy out of a...

The clever way a Border Collie helps a puppy out of a ditch is amazing

This Border Collie, who is currently trending on Twitter, is no exception to the breed’s reputation for piercing gazes and high intelligence. Are you still impressed? The dog rescues a puppy from a ditch in less than one minute. The video’s 5.2 million views are as impressive as @B___, who posted it on Twitter.

Everyone is fine, so don’t worry too much about the puppy. This Border Collie was the one who saved the day. They deserve as many views as they can get.

True hero! Regardless of whether or not the puppy was its own, we appreciate this dog’s commitment to saving it. Their inventiveness is amazing! Some viewers are not happy that this happened.

“The person recording that could have helped. It just makes them look callous,” wrote @faithinbones. We get what you mean! They would’ve stepped in if they needed to, we’re sure. Or, there’s always @stephengeraldk1’s theory…

“It was another border collie filming it,” they wrote. “That’s how smart they are.” Ha! Now That would be something to see.

We are proud to say that Border Collie owners were inspired by this video to share stories about their furry friends. @Dogrocket79 said, “This is my boy, Jack. Jack once spent three to four days making a ramp from firewood so that he could jump out of his fenced-in backyard. He’s got the smarts.” That sounds like it! Combine that with this breed’s athleticism, and you’ve got one natural-born athlete on your hands. Is there anything these dogs can’t do?

Source: Pet Helpful



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