Monday, October 31, 2022
HomeTechnologyTesla has just stunned everyone with its Optimus robotic prototype

Tesla has just stunned everyone with its Optimus robotic prototype

Everyone was stunned by the Tesla AI Day 2022 event. It featured a first look at an Optimus robot prototype. The announcement showed a glimpse of robot hands making a heart shape. However, Tesla has kept the Tesla bot secret for nearly a full year.

The Optimus prototype has approximately the same dimensions as a person and is in a humanoid body as was expected. The truth is that no one knew. What can you expect from the Optimus prototype. It was impressive considering the time it took to develop. The Tesla bot could walk untethered and wave to the audience. It even performed a small, conservative dance. Tesla demonstrated in a video that the Tesla robot can grab a box and deliver it directly to a person’s desk. It can identify and pick up other objects including a metal bar and a watering can that’s used for plants.

An early, tethered version of the Optimus prototype could deliver a box to a desk.

Tesla also presented a more sophisticated version of the Optimus robotics robot. It was more flexible and had full control over every finger. This model wasn’t ready to walk yet, so it was mounted on a stand, but it moved all of its limbs to give a brief glimpse of its capabilities. Perhaps the most impressive claim is that the Tesla bot’s price could be under $20,000.

Tesla is a car manufacturerIt’s only been a year ago that Optimus announced its intention to create a humanoid robot. This is an extremely complex device. Boston Dynamics’ Atlas robot is admittedly more advanced, but that’s the result of several years of research that saw a progression through dog-like robots before attempting a Two-legged robot with the ability to danceYou can even do a little bit of parkour. However, it’s not intended for the average consumer.

Tesla's Optimus robot has progressed through three stages of development.

Many people were concerned that the Tesla bot section of AI Day would be a sham. However, the Optimus prototype is a testament to the serious robotics team’s work. A lot of work has been put into manufacturing a small, general-purpose robot that could be used to replace a human one day. This will change the way work in Tesla factories. Optimus has the potential to have a profound impact on the world. This is based on the ongoing development over many years.

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