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Ted Cruz Hit with White Claw by Man Who Wanted Senator To Chug It

  • Ted Cruz’s White Claw thrower said that he wanted the politician chug it.
  • After Cruz was struck by the can, Cruz’s security team was captured reacting to the throwing incident.
  • The can-thrower stated that he was continuing with the Houston Astros tradition, which involves tossing beers at athletes.

The man who HurledTexas Sen. Ted Cruz was served a can White Claw. He said that he was trying for Ted Cruz to offer a drink and that he would like the senator to have the drink.

Joey Arcidiacono was issued a statement by his lawyer on Thursday Statement explaining that Arcidiacono didn’t intend to launch a political attack on Cruz.

The statement stated that instead, “this was an Astros fan trying throw drinks from his cooler at the Senator during a championship parade without realizing how it might be perceived until he witnessed security’s reaction.”

According to the statement, Astros athletes were known for consuming beers that fans had thrown at them. “Fans toss cans to people at championship parades all the times. This is a well-known fact. “To get them chug,” it said.

“That was stupid. It was good fun. The statement said that this was not as much fun.

Arcidiacono had texted a friend the night before the parade to say that his “dream would have been to throw one of these players a beer.” According to the statement.

Cruz, his family and his security detail were sincerely sorry by Arcidiacono, who asked the senator for grace and declined to face charges.

The statement concluded with “GO ASTROS CHAMPIONS OF WORLD!”

Cruz was photographed being hit by the drink while he attended an Astros win parade on Monday. Although Cruz was initially reported by police to have been struck by a beer bottle, the senator later claimed that the beverage was actually a White Claw seltzer.

Video of Cruz being booed before the drink was thrown appears to be available.

In a statement, Cruz said to Lauren Frias at Insider that he was grateful the man who threw his beverage had a “noodlefor an arm”.

Insider reached out to Cruz and Arcidiacono’s lawyer but was not immediately available for comment.



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