Friday, September 23, 2022
HomeAnimals“Talking” Dog Engages In Hilarious Conversation & Sassily Shuts Up His Humans

“Talking” Dog Engages In Hilarious Conversation & Sassily Shuts Up His Humans

Charlie the dog is always lurking in his sister’s room, where he’s discovered. It was only a matter of time before the boy started mimicking their “conversations.” When his happy dog became a nonstop chatterbox due to his beloved sisters, her mom was amused. Charlie wants to contribute his opinion in every conversation.


Image (Screenshot)/Story video Source Credit: Couch App via YouTube Video


Charlie has learned to tell “Blah, Blah, Blah” as a response to most conversations because it’s come to be his go-to remark. We observe Charlie hanging out with his sisters in this video when he suddenly becomes aware that they’re having a discussion without him.

The dog is upset at being excluded from the chat and quickly asks his sisters for permission! 😂


Image (Screenshot)/Story video Source Credit: Couch App via YouTube Video


Now, let me tell you about another way we got tripped up: when Charlie was telling us how his sisters say to him, “We lost it,” he began laughing and Blah-Blah-Blah’ing away throughout the entire conversation with his sisters! He engages them as a professional speaker and demands that they include him in all future discussions.


Image (Screenshot/Story video Source Credit: Couch App via YouTube Video


Charlie’s sisters are amused at their furry brother, and try to make him say “Hello”. But the fiery dog retorts back with another set of Blah-Blah-Blahs, and even lifts his head up to “emphasize his point”. He’s such a cute little guy! Charlie is one of the most charming and entertaining conversationalists we’ve ever seen! 😂

To watch the video, click here Charlie’s hilariously “engaging” conversation with his 2 sisters!

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