Saturday, October 29, 2022
HomeAnimalsSweet Vizslas Warm Hearts With Cute Greetings for Their Favorite Garbage Men

Sweet Vizslas Warm Hearts With Cute Greetings for Their Favorite Garbage Men

Ralph and Bruno’s favorite day is garbage day.

Sometimes it’s the simple things that help us get through the day.

Like a smile from a stranger or the wagging tail of a dog that’s happy to see us.

This could be why sanitation workers make sure to bring Ralph and Bruno treats for Vizsla dogs Ralph on every garbage day.

According to the American Kennel ClubVizslas can reach heights of between 21 and 24 inches, and can weigh between 44 to 60 pounds.

They live a 12- to 14-year life expectancy.

Red-coated dogs are affectionate and close to their owners.

Two dogs are excited when a truck pulls up.

When the workers approach, they eagerly race to the window.

Ralph and Bruno are wildly animated as they wait to see the men pop a treat through the window.

The brothers were very upset that their city’s employees had forgotten them.

They had the complete opposite reaction when they realize that this wasn’t so. Their human caught all the action on video and uploaded it to their TikTok page.

Ralph is seen sitting on the couch, staring out of the window as the truck pulls up.

He quickly ran up to the window, standing against the windowsill. Bruno follows him and does the exact same.

As a sanitation worker approaches to collect their bin, their tails begin to wag in excitement.

They patiently wait for their men to finish and reward them by giving them a treat. But that doesn’t happen, so they retreat back to their original spots on the couch and off camera in disappointment.

And then, it happens.

They are delighted when the sanitation worker returns. They rush back to the window to check if treats are available.

That’s when their tails seem to be motorized and wag like crazy.

He gives them two more rounds of treats to make up for the disappointments they made earlier.

“The boys honestly thought the bin men had forgotten about them today. Look how Bruno’s tail wagging when he realises,” the video’s caption reads.

The video was viewed more that 1.9million times on TikTok.

Ralph and Bruno now have more than 32,000 followers on TikTok, where you’ll find lots of videos with them getting treats from various sanitation workers. It’s obvious why garbage day is Ralph and Bruno’s favorite day.

Check out the video and follow the TikTok boys. @vizslaralph.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

The worker was able to walk up to the window and offer a treat.



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