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HomeBusinessStudents Demand Penn State Cancel the Show with Proud Boy Founder

Students Demand Penn State Cancel the Show with Proud Boy Founder

  • Penn State students are asking for the cancellation of an event with the founders of the Proud Boys by the administration.
  • The university has refuted the decision and cited the First Amendment.
  • Canadian authorities have labeled the Proud Boys a terrorist organization.

Students at The Pennsylvania State University want to cancel an event featuring Gavin McInnes (founder of the Proud Boys), citing a “direct threat violence to marginalized students”.

A PetitionPenn State’s Student Committee for Defense and Solidarity made the following criticism of Penn State for allowing McInnes onto campus and for using student fees for payment. According to the petition, which has received over 3000 signatures, “Free Speech doesn’t mean paid speech.”

The event on October 24 is called “Stand Back & Stand By” — a nod to former President Donald Trump’s Comments about the Proud Boys during a presidential debate in September 2020 — and is hosted by the Penn State chapter of Uncensored America, a group that calls itself a free speech organization.

McInnes founded the Proud Boys far-right group. Some of its members stated they intended to “kill people” during their January 6 insurrection. AccordingThe House Select Committee released internal emails regarding the Capitol Riot.

McInnes stated in 2018 that he was distancing from the group following the FBI’s classification of the Proud Boys extremists and as having ties with white nationalism. According to The Guardian.

The group was declaredCanadian government declares terrorist organization 2021 LabeledA hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Members of the Proud BoysYou were accused of seditious conspiracy and breaching the Capitol. This crime can land you up to 20 year imprisonment.

Sean Semanko, founder of Uncensored America says the event will feature McInnes and Alex Stein as comedy.

Stein is a right-leaning comedian who Sexual harassmentRep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez standing on the Capitol steps, calling her “favorite large booty Latina”.

Insider heard from him that he was grateful to Penn State for upholding the First Amendment. He also said that he would like to see the protestors there. 

Uncensored America received $7,522.43 from The University Park Allocation Committee, a student group that provides funding for student events and makes its decisions independent of the University. This money This will be usedAccording to Uncensored America, Stein and McInnes were to pay for their hotel and airfare and also receive a financial honorarium.

University cites First Amendment

On October 11, the university released a StatementUncensored America invited Stein and McInnes into University Park. The institution stated that it was obligated by the First Amendment to the US Constitution as a public college to protect expression rights of all views, even those it does not agree with.

The statement stated that “Once more, we find ourselves in an unenviable situation of sharing space with individuals who view differently from our University’s values of inclusion diversity, equity and respect.”

Vic Walczak (legal director of the ACLU of Pennsylvania) stated that the First Amendment allows McInnes to speak at the university. The First Amendment also protects protesters from critiquing the university or demonstrating against McInnes’ visit.

Walczak stated that universities and colleges are meant to be the ultimate marketplaces for different ideas.

People walk by Old Main on the Penn State University main campus on Nov. 9, 2017 in State College, Pa.

On Nov. 9, 2017, people walked by Old Main, Penn State University’s main campus in State College, Pa.

AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar, File

In a Letter to the EditorThe Student Committee for Defense and Solidarity, a school newspaper, published the response. It cited the actions taken by the administration in 2017, which they had denied. Richard Spencer, an alt-right figure. per SPLCPermission to speak.

Eric Barron was the Penn State’s previous president at the time. He stated, “The First Amendment does not require that our University risk imminent violence.” According to The Washington Post

Insider asked Penn State whether it would respond to student demands for the event to be cancelled. The university said that they were sticking by the First Amendment.

“As a public institution of higher education, Penn State considers the right to free speech and expression essential to our mission — regardless of how hurtful, revolting, and offensive the speech may be,” the statement said. 

Insider was contacted by The Student Committee for Defense and Solidarity to confirm that they had sent students a mass email on Thursday inviting them to join a protest called “Stand up, Fight Back”. 

Insider reviewed an email sent by the university in response to the email. It called the students group “provocateurs” as well as imploring them to not “take the bait” and go to the protest. Instead, it encouraged students to attend one the counter-programming events.

“There is no violence at these shows that is not from us.”

Uncensored America hosted Milo Yiannopoulos in November. This British alt-right political commentator gave a speech entitled “Pray The Gay Away”

Lauren Ogden is the president of United Socialists at Penn State. She said that they have been growing frustrated with Penn State since Yiannopoulos spoke on campus in 2021. 

“Penn State is fighting a losing fight on this one.” Ogden stated to Insider that they’re wrong.

McInnes stated that he is going to “attack” Penn State professors and academia when Insider asked him what he would talk about at the show. McInnes also said that he does not know if the Proud Boys members, whom he called the “greatest fraternity of the world”, will be present at the event on 24th.

“There’s never violence in these shows that is from our side,” he stated. 

McInnes’ participation in speaking events has led to people being hurt. McInnes, venerating the Metropolitan Republican Club of New York, was seen in 2018 outside. far-right Japanese assassinMembers of the Proud Boys attacked counter-protesters. 



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