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‘Star Wars’: George Lucas’ initial narrative of the Emperor could have put the trilogy in jeopardy

Star Wars Story: Rogue One‘s prequel, AndorThe series has received mostly positive reviews from critics. Many have praised the series’ use of side characters and it’s a different approach to this. It’s a huge franchise. Rolling Stone, speaking about the series, mentioning that “perhaps the franchise’s best use of such a minor character since the rancour keeper cried in Return of the Jedi.”

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Although Andor is accepted widely, the original Star WarsSince its inception, George Lucas has undergone many changes that have led to today’s version. However, Lucas had other plans for the Emperor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid), who was a key character in the series. The plot was so complicated that it could have possibly changed the series, or even made it worse.

These are rough drafts from the original Star Wars’ script written in 1974, Lucas had very different visions for the galaxy, not what we know now. In 1974, the villains went through a major change to the present versions. Emperor Palpatine, for example, was not meant to be a character. Cos Dashit, a young man, was to replace him as leader of the New Galactic Empire.

Contrast was that Cos Dashit, unlike Emperor Palpatine was handsome, but a narcissistic, man who was neither part of nor a part. Star WarsThe Empire’s puppet leader was suggested to be neither Sith nor Force. Darth Vader (a Knights of Sith) was there, as well as Governor Crispin Hödaack and Vantos Col. These three characters were meant to take over Cos Dashit.

If Lucas had continued the story with Cos dashit, instead of Emperor Palpatine Star Wars would’ve been much worse for multiple reasons. One was that Cos dashit would be a weak antagonist, ruining the threat Palpatine brought to screens.

Why is he worse than Palpatine

He was an obstacle to the conquest of the galaxy and his presence was so. Lucas would have had to include stories to remove him from the Empire in order to reduce the time required to grow the heroes. This is because Lucas would have to entertain the audience about the Empire, while reducing their overall unity and control over the galaxy.

But, Emperor PalpatineThe Empire is more prominent and powerful when compared to the Rebellion’s constant struggles. Thus, Lucas gets an opportunity to create better and distinct stakes where the audience gets to focus on Luke Skywalker’s (Mark Hamill) journey.

Better connections were also made with Emperor Palpatine Star Wars’ Jedi knightsBecause he is a Sith Member and has good relations to Darth Vader, he makes him a much more powerful and darker antagonist.

Cos Dashit, however, would not have been a part the story if he had not been. We see this with Emperor Palpatine, who is a Sith Lord and has a century-old animosity to the knightly orders. In addition, Palpatine and Darth Vadar were the worst, whose united front was dangerous to the Empire’s power, which otherwise wouldn’t have happened with Cos Dashit’s narcissism. Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader were feared and respected, which made the Rebellion’s struggle even more challenging and astonishing, which otherwise wouldn’t have worked with a less evil villain.

Even though this 1974 draft did not see the light of day, it was interesting to see how a story develops over time. Even though the story was undergoing significant changes, it was clear to see the original trilogy in the first drafts. Perhaps the best move of the franchise was the creation and introduction of Emperor Palpatine.



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