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HomeTechnologySt. Louis Apple Store employees file for a union election

St. Louis Apple Store employees file for a union election

A group of employees at Apple Stores in St. Louis, Missouri filed for a union election. The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, which hopes to represent workers, filed for a union election on Wednesday. It filed a petition to the National Labor Relations Board asking for a vote on unionization. IAM claims it hopes to represent around 82 employees.

The union filed a previous complaint with the NLRB, alleging Apple had subjected it to captive audience meetings in which management presented anti-union talk points. In June, IAM helped employees at the company’s Towson Town Central locationMaryland became the first unionized Apple Store in the US.

Apple did not immediately respond to Engadget’s request for comment. The petition comes as more of the company’s retail workers look to organize their workplace. Apple Store workers in Glasgow overwhelmingly supported the petition earlier this month. . Apple Glasgow is now poised to create the first United Kingdom-based unionized Apple Store. The company has seen two stores vote to unionize in the US, and a few more are working towards organizing. Employees from those stores claim that the company uses union-busting tactics such as restricting access to pro-union flyers. Towson Town Center organizers claim that the company is also .

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