Tuesday, October 18, 2022
HomeTechnologySmart buoy listens to the sea and protects whales from ship collisions

Smart buoy listens to the sea and protects whales from ship collisions

Whales face numerous threats from humans, not the least of which are ship collisions — the World Sustainability Organization EstimatesEvery year, between 18,000 and 25,000 animals are killed. These deaths could be reduced by technology. Reuters ReportsChile’s government has deployed the first smart-boil from the MERI Foundation. Blue Boat InitiativeThe, which aims to protect whales and track underwater ecosystems. The device is floating in the Gulf of Corcovado, 684 miles from Chile. It alerts ships to sei, right, and blue whales nearby to prevent any incidents. 

This technology uses oceanographic sensors in conjunction with AI-powered Listening for the Deep Ocean Environment (LIDO), software, to determine the type of waterborne mammal and its location. It also monitors the ocean’s health, including temperature and oxygen levels. These additional data could be useful in studying climate change and its effects on sea life.

Blue Boat Initiative currently plans to place six or more buoys to help protect the gulf whales. The long-term goal of the Blue Boat Initiative is to cover the entire migration route of the whales from Antarctica to the Equator. This will reduce collisions throughout the entire habitat of the creatures, as well as better inform government conservation decisions.

It may be equally important for humans and whales. Whales are important because they play a vital role in fragilely balanced ecosystems. In addition to their contribution to reducing CO2 emissions, they also redistribute heat via ocean currents. The ocean’s ability to limit global warming and its harmful effects will improve if these animals are allowed more space.

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