Tuesday, October 11, 2022
HomeAnimalsSickly Stray Offers Paw to Strangers To Help Save Her and A...

Sickly Stray Offers Paw to Strangers To Help Save Her and A Friend

A rough-looking and sickly stray in Romania walked up to some strangers and offered her paw wanting to be rescued, but she wasn’t going to leave her friend behind.

These strangers were Ray Animal Rescue, and they’d been searching for the dog for over an hour! The two dogs were then taken into the car by the rescuers and they set off.

They were taken to the vet for care and checkups. Elsie was suffering from a skin condition that left her very pale and itchy. She’d need medical baths for about two months. Hugo was healthy and found a forever home right away, but it was a different story for poor Elsa…

The sweet girl would have to continue treatment while many dogs didn’t like her because of her big size. The dog changed drastically six months later! And that’s when fosters Andreea and Maria stepped into the picture. They were only supposed to foster her for two or three days, but when the adoptive family showed up, they couldn’t let her go. Elsie was not able to be a foster and she ended up in her forever home. ?

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