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HomeAnimalsSiblings of abandoned dogs are thrilled to be reunited after their rescue

Siblings of abandoned dogs are thrilled to be reunited after their rescue

Camryn & Emma are sibling siblings who survived after their parents abandoned them in a park.

Logan’s Legacy rescue’s founder, Suzette Hall, initially learned about Emma and Camryn from a kind stranger who had been giving the puppies food many times a day for almost two weeks.

Hall said, “She kept trying to get them, but they were too skittish.”

They would share the food and stay close to their relatives. The woman called Hall to get help.

“We were having the worst heatwave and rainstorms when she called,” Hall said. “I really didn’t think they’d still be there, but they were! Just laying there next to each other.”

They were clearly inseparable from the way they crowded together, despite having a huge national park to explore. They both ran straight at the trap even after Hall had set it.

According to Hall, “They were both trying to go into it together, which never works. The trap won’t shut if two of them are in it.”

Hall was inspired to try her hand at it. Hall took out her Snappy Snare to gently catch a dog’s neck and began talking with one of them to gain his trust. She intended to use her Snappy Snare first to capture one pup and then to place the other in the trap.

“It took hours,” Hall said. “But I wasn’t giving up.”

Hall can be heard talking to the pups by clicking here

Hall eventually captured the male pup using the snare. She named her Camryn after it. Before she began the second stage of her rescue effort, she put him in her van before closing the door.

“I reset the trap, but Emma wanted nothing to do with it,” Hall said. “She just wanted her brother so bad.”

Emma chose to circle around the van instead of into the trap. Hall was able to see that Emma cared about her brother more than the food in a trap. Hall decided to capitalize on the sibling relationship.

Hall stated, “I got in the van and held her brother. I was showing Emma that everything was fine by rubbing Camryn.

Emma, after some hesitation, jumped into the van with her brother. They were filled with joy at the sight of their brother and sister.

“They were so excited to be back together,” according to Hall. “Emma just kept kissing her brother.”

Hall brought the puppies to the vet. They were temporarily separated while they went through a routine checkup. The puppies were spayed and neutered before being reunited.

Their reunion following the veterinarian visit was as poignant as their reunion in Hall’s van on the day of their rescue.

“When [the vet] first brought them out from the back, they were dying to see each other,” according to Hall. “They just kept touching noses as if to say, ‘OK, we’re together. Everything’s OK.’”

After their medical appointments, the two puppies were placed together in a foster home. While Emma and Camryn have been doing well in their foster homes so far, Hall says that the journey is not over.

“I want to find them a forever home together,” Hall said. “I’m not going to separate these two.”

SOURCE : The Dodo



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