Sunday, October 30, 2022
HomeAnimalsShy Dog lost his mouth from the world, but now he has...

Shy Dog lost his mouth from the world, but now he has a brand new smile

Animal Aid Unlimited arrived on the scene to one of the strangest life-threatening wounds they’ve ever seen. The boy’s mouth was cut on both sides, and maggots had infested the injury. It would have been so painful for him to eat, but neighbors noticed his suffering early enough that rescuers were able to get to him before starvation…

Comet’s gentle nature made treating him easy, though the pain of his first treatments was really difficult for the brave stray. After removing the maggots, he was able to eat with comfort. He would soon blossom, they knew. His shyness initially kept him from being fully present. They had no idea that when he felt better physically a comet of loving energy was just waiting to shine… See Comet today! 🙂

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