Tuesday, September 20, 2022
HomeAnimalsSenior Sausage Adorably Comes Up ‘Brief’ In Doxie Derby

Senior Sausage Adorably Comes Up ‘Brief’ In Doxie Derby

The 2022 Doxie Derby, hosted by the College of California Davis’ College of Veterinary Drugs, was a sight to behold. The novice canine race is all about having enjoyable, and that’s precisely how many of the canine took it… particularly the older ones! Simply check out 14-year-old Dachshund, Sophie… 🙂

The sausage did her best possible and bought these little legs a movin’, however she got here up a bit quick ultimately. Alex Cohen caught the race on digicam and posted it to Twitter for all to see, and it’s tremendous cute! Sophie crosses the finish line and the gang gets wild! What she didn’t have in speed, she made up in determination and heart!

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