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HomeScienceScientists warn that nearly half of Earth’s vital signs are now Code...

Scientists warn that nearly half of Earth’s vital signs are now Code Red’

A coalition of international scientists has released a new report that is unambiguous about the seriousness of the current environmental crisis. It includes 16 of the 35 “vital signs” they track. Climate change now rated as code red – that is, they’re at record extremes.

The number of climate-related disasters is escalating, the report warns, with related human suffering – already at levels that are difficult to quantify and imagine – set to keep on rising rapidly as well.

We now have a stark choice to make: quick and meaningful changes in the way we live and treat the planet. Or, face the very real risk of global societal breakdown.

“As you can see from the annual rises in climate catastrophes, we are currently in the midst a major climate crises. There is far worse to come if things continue the way they are.” Christopher Wolf, an ecologistOregon State University

“We ask our fellow scientists to support research-based approaches for climate and environmental decision making.”

The team points out the following issues: increasing frequency of extreme heat events; rising global tree cover (with wildfires playing an important role in that), and more cases from mosquito-borne dengue. Viral.

The matter of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels is also important, at their highest level since records began. 418 parts per Million. 2022 is expected to be the hottest year on record.

The researchers also monitor surface temperature anomalies and Antarctica ice mass changes, as well as ocean acidity. They also track major floods in the US that cost at least one billion dollars to clean up.

The report also includes numerous events related to climate change that took place in this year. The worst droughtFor example, record-breaking 500 year span in Europe Rainfall along the east coastAustralia; Deadly heat waveIndia and Pakistan widespread dust stormsThe Middle East; and Floods that caused severe damage to roadsYellowstone National Park, USA to name just a few.

“Climate Change is not an isolated issue.” Saleemul Huq is a sustainability scientistIndependent University, Bangladesh. It is part of larger ecological problem of ecological overshoot, where human demand exceeds the regenerative capacities of the biosphere.

We must protect the environment, reduce fossil fuel emissions, and support climate adaptations that are socially just. Our focus should be on areas of low income, which are most at risk.

Experts predictGlobal warming will increase by 3 degrees Celsius by 2100, which is a temperature rise that has not been seen in the last 3 million years. However, despite Multiple warningsMany trends continue to go in the wrong direction.

Researchers created a 35-minute documentarySo called The Scientist’s WarningTo increase awareness and spur more action. They are hoping more scientists will take notice of the urgent actions that need to be taken.

There is still hope. Researchers note that an unprecedented number of scientists have spoken out about climate change and called for climate adaptation and mitigation to be done immediately for future generations.

“Look at all these Heat wavessays ecologist William RippleOregon State University. “The specter and urgency of climate change are at the door.”

The research has been published in BioScience.



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