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HomeScienceScientists say Wormholes may already have been detected

Scientists say Wormholes may already have been detected

The bridges that connect distant areas of time and space could look more or less like a garden variety. Black holesIt’s possible that these mythical beasts have been seen before.

However, it is possible to still tell the difference if a model that was proposed by a small group of physicists at Sofia University in Bulgaria is correct.

Enjoy playing around with Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity long enough, it’s possible to show how the spacetime background of the Universe can form not only deep gravitational pits where nothing escapes – it can form impossible mountain peaks which can’t be climbed.

These glowing hills, unlike their dark counterparts, would avoid any object that came near them, potentially emitting streams of radiation and particles that could never be stopped.

The possibility of the Big Bang looks exactly the same asOne of these “White holes“, nothing of it’s similar has ever been observed. They are still an intriguing concept to explore the edges of one the most important theories in physics.

In the 1930sNathan Rosen, Einstein’s colleague, showed that there was no way to explain the spacetime of Einstein. Black holeCould not connect to the steep peaks in a white hole to create some type of bridge.

This corner of physics puts all our expectations about time and distance out the window. A theoretical link like this could travel vast swathes of the cosmos.

It is possible for matter to travel this cosmic tube under the right conditions and return with some of its information intact.

Sofia University’s team created a simplified model to show what a black hole with a butthole would look like to observatories such as the Event Horizon Telescope. They also assumed that matter would surround it before it was swallowed.

These particles would create powerful electromagnetic fields, which would generate strong magnetic fields. They would snap and roll in predictable patterns, polarizing any light emitted from the heated material with clear signatures. It was the tracing polarized radio waves which gave rise to the first truly stunning images. M87*2019: Sagittarius A*This year, earlier.

It turned out that the typical wormhole’s smoke hot lips are difficult to distinguish from the polarized lights emitted around a blackhole.

By that logic, M87* could very well be a wormhole. Wormholes could lurk at the ends of black holes all around, and we wouldn’t be able to know.

However, this doesn’t mean that there is no way to know everything.

If we had the good fortune to get a composite image of a candidate, wormhole, as seen through a decent gravitational telescope, subtle differences that differentiate wormholes and black holes might be obvious.

It would be necessary to place a mass between us and the Wormhole that would distort the light enough to magnify small differences. However, it would give us the ability to confidently identify which dark areas of emptiness have an exit.

Another way, however, requires a lot of luck. If we were to spot a perfect angle for a wormhole, light passing through its gaping opening towards us would enhance its signature, giving us an even clearer indication that it is a gateway between the stars and beyond.

Researchers are looking into the possibility of other light waves helping to filter wormholes out from the night sky.

Further constraintsThe physics of wormholes may open up new possibilities for exploration, not only in the realm of science but also in the field of engineering. General relativityHowever, it is the physics that describes waves and particles.

And more. Lessons learned from forecastsThese discoveries could help us see the world in a new way.

This research was published in Physical Review D.



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