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HomeScienceScientists Discovered a Colossal Gamma Ray Burst - ScienceAlert

Scientists Discovered a Colossal Gamma Ray Burst – ScienceAlert

Observatories from around the globe have just detected a massive flare of very energetic radiation, described as “The Big Bang.”record-breaking“.

The event First detected October 9, 2009.It was so bright, it was mistaken for an event closer at home. Initially dubbed Swift J1913.1+1946It was believed to have been a flash of Xrays from a distant source. It was only through further analysis that astronomers discovered the true nature of the glow – a GRB221009A has been renamed the gammaray burst. It is one of most destructive explosions in all of Universe.

Although it was further away, it was still close to Earth, at just 2.4 billion light years away. The gammaray burst was also extremely bright and measured at You can get up to 18 teraelectronvolts.

It is important to clarify that, although this distance is 20 times closer to the average long-gamma radiation burst, it does not pose any danger to human life.

Rather, it’s tremendously exciting – an event that could shed new light (pun intended) on these fascinating explosions. GRB221009A, despite its proximity making it appear brighter in the sky, is perhaps the most intrinsically brilliant gamma radiation burst that we have ever seen.

“This is a truly exciting event!” Gemma Anderson, an astronomer and specialist in transient events, tells ScienceAlert that she is part of the Curtin University node at The International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research.

Because this event is so close, but also very energetic, the radio, optical, and X-ray light it emits is extremely bright, making it easy to observe. As it fades away, we can study the GRB with many telescopes from around the globe.

Gamma radiation, which is produced by radioactive decay of atomic nuclear nuclei, is the most energetic form light in the Universe. Gamma-ray explosions are huge events that release in a matter seconds nearly as much energy than the Sun would in 10 billion year. These bursts mark the end of the life of a massive star – a supernova or hypernova. They can also arise from collisions between two neutron star.

The star collapses under gravity when it becomes more massive than eight Suns. This causes a supernova, which is a massive explosion that propels the outer material into space while the core falls into a black hole. neutron starOr Black hole.

Different gamma radiation burst profiles indicate different types and fade differently. Astronomers witnessed a collision between two neutron starlets. In 2017It also produced a short Gamma-ray burst. The long-duration bursts of unusually powerful events, hypernovae, and superluminous supernovae are often associated with them.

We are still unsure of what GRB221009A is.

Anderson states that it is too early to know. Anderson states that the light coming from an underlying Supernova will take days for it to become visible. It may, however, be a very powerful supernova type due to its long duration.

The only thing we know is that the burst seems to have emerged From a dusty galaxyIt was extremely powerful. The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory, (LHAASO), is also a Cherenkovobservatory in China that has detected photons containing energies Up to 18 teraelectronvolts can be generated (TeV).. Only a handful have been detected so far with emission in TeV; if LHAASO data can be verified, GRB221009A would be the first over 10 TeV.

For now, there is a lot of science that needs to be done within the days after the explosion. Scientists are using telescopes to locate the object and observe the afterglow at as many wavelengths possible. This information is crucial for determining the exact cause of the explosion.

Anderson states, “When you’re dealing with cosmic blasts that blast out stars at the speed of light and leave a black hole behind,” Anderson said.

“We don’t know enough about this process. Because of the nearby explosion, we have very high quality data that can be used to study and understand how such explosions take place.



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