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ScienceAlert: Weight lifting in old age does more than just keep your muscles strong

Two new insights from weightlifting research have been revealed: it can strengthen the nerves and muscles and this strengthening can continue into our later years.

We really do start. Losing muscle mass before the age of 40, caused in part by a reduction in muscle fibers that happens as motor neurons – cells in the brain and spinal cord that tell our bodies to move – break down.

Although this decline cannot be stopped, the new study shows that it is possible to slow it down. According to the study’s results, weight training makes the connections between nerves and muscles stronger, protecting the motor neurons in the spinal cord – essential for a well-functioning body.

Researchers have never been able to show that weight training can improve the link between motor neurons and muscles. This is the first study to show that it is true. says exercise physiologist Casper SøndenbroeFrom the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

This is partly due to the difficulty of sampling tissue at locations where nerve cells and muscle connect in order to make meaningful measurements. Instead of looking for biomarkers that could indicate the stability of junctions between neurons or muscles, researchers looked at biopsy samples from participants to overcome this problem.

This research was conducted on 38 older men (average age 72) who were asked to participate in a 16 week intensive weight lifting program that involved leg extensions, leg press, leg curls and leg extension. As a control group, 20 older men (healthy and healthy) were also included. Their average age was 72.

Three weight training sessions were held each week. After two months, half way through the experiment, the results of the exercise could be observed in terms of muscle size and fitness. Researchers took muscle biopsies to detect changes in biomarkers.

The evidence suggests that weight training can reduce some of the breakdown between muscles, the nervous system and the spine, while not actually reverse it. Researchers suggest that weight training can be started earlier in life to build up reserves that the body can use.

“The study showed that even if you start late in your life, you still have the potential to make a difference.” says Søndenbroe.

“Of course, the sooner you start, the better, but it is never too late – even if you are 65 or 70 years old. Heavy weight training can still be beneficial for your body.

This study was conducted on men but it also applies to women: older women are more likely to be affected by this. osteoporosisYou can get the most out of it. Resistance trainingMen do just as much.

As many people as possible continue to live in poverty around the globe. Live longer and longer, the issue of preserving a good quality of life in our twilight years becomes more and more important – and that includes keeping muscles working as well as possible.

There are many. Certain biological processesThis trend cannot be stopped, even as the years pass. Research has shown that both diet and exercise can make a difference. Protect yourselfSome of the dangers that old age can cause are:

Next, we will be looking at how strength training can help nerves and muscles stay connected.

“Now we have to identify which specific mechanisms are responsible for weight training in order to strengthen the link to the nervous system.” says Søndenbroe.

“To achieve that, we will need to implement different methods. However, our goal remains to ensure seniors live longer and experience well-being.

The publication of the research was published in American Journal of Physiology Cell Physiology.



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