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ScienceAlert: We may finally know how many nerve endings are in the Human Clitoris

The scientific iceberg of the human clitoris can be described as a scientific iceberg.

Research on our species has been done in the past. ClitorisHas been Best to be superficialIt is possible to be wrong even if we think we know it all.

The clitoris is often said to house 8,000 nerve endings – Double that of the penis – but new findings, presented at a scientific meeting in October, suggest that’s a serious underestimation of both sex organs.

While the study has yet to be peer reviewed, at least it’s on track for being properly examined.

The numbers most often cited for the innervation of the glans penis and glans clitoris derive from old studies on – wait for it – cows; the results were simply co-opted for human anatomy.

These numbers have been around for over a century. Blair Peters is a doctor at Oregon Health and Science University’s School of Medicine. He believes that it is time for scientists to finally discover the correct number.

Peters is an expert in gender-affirming care and his work relies upon a deep understanding human sex organs. Peters collected clitoral nerve tissue of seven transmasculine patients who underwent gender-affirming, genital surgery.

Peters and his associates counted on average 5,140 nerve fibres in the dorsal cervical nerve. There are two nerve fibers in this clitoris.

When you consider all of the samples that were collected, the total number nerve endings innervating this wishbone-shaped organ can be calculated as 9,852 to 11,086 fibers.

Peters’s study was the first to quantify the nerve fiber count in the human dorsal and clitoral nerves.

“It’s amazing to think that more than 10,000 nerve fibers are concentrated in something as small and as small as clitoris.” Peters. Peters.

The hand’s median nerve runs through the palm and is well-known for its high nerve fiber density. explains Peters. It contains approximately 18,000 nerve fibers. However, it is also much larger than a pleasure organ that measures roughly 10 centimeters (4 inches).

How does innervation differ from male penis? Peters wants to know.

It is said that the clitoris has twice the sensitivity as the penis. However, there are more nuanced numbers. Both sex organs can have the same embryological originThey likely contain approximately the same number of nerve endings.

It is possible that these nerve endings may be more densely concentrated in particular spots.

Initial studiesFor example, it is possible that nerve density in the tip of clitoris is more variable than in the glans. Simply put, this means that some parts of clitoris might be more sensitive than others.

Peters hopes that surgeons will be able to reconstruct the penis and clitoris successfully using a better understanding of the inner workings of sex organs. This is not only for gender affirming purposes, but also for cases of genital mutilation.

Peters said, “There is something profound in the fact that gender-affirming healthcare becoming more commonplace also benefits others areas of health care.” .

“A rising tide lifts all ships.” Everybody will be hurt if transgender health care is restricted or blocked.

Peters presented the results at a joint scientific conference of the Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA) and International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM).



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