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ScienceAlert: We Have Detected Ghost Particles Blasting From The Heart of a Dust-Shrouded Galaxies : ScienceAlert

The role of the active supermassive Black holesIn the production of high-energy neutrinosThe confirmation seems to be coming from the outside of the Milky Way. These so-called ghost particles have been traced by physicists to the heart of a galaxy in intergalactic space for the second time.

We can now start a real extragalactic census with this discovery neutrinofactories and uses the neutrinos’ properties for understanding their home environments.

This galaxy is well-studied and known to be a star. NGC 1068 – aka Messier 77 or the Squid Galaxy – a beautiful barred spiral located around 47 million light-years away, close enough to see with a pair of binoculars.

Scientists have also counted many neutrinos in high-energy Teraelectronvolt range (TeV), which is coming from this direction.

The only high-energy neutrino before was a single TeV particle that was tracked to an extragalactic source. TXS0506+056 was the type of galaxy that was used to trace it.Some 3.8 billion light-years from Earth.

This makes the IceCube Neutrino Observatory’s new data collection, which spans a decade, an absolute treasure trove.

One neutrino can isolate a source. However, only multiple neutrinos are able to reveal the dark core of most energetic cosmic objects. Francis Halzen is a physicistof the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and principal investigator of IceCube.

“IceCube accumulated 80 neutrinos teraelectronvolt energy NGC 1068. Although they don’t yet answer all our questions but they certainly are the next big step toward neutrinoastronomy.”

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Neutrinos are nearly massless subatomic particles that are produced by radioactive decomposition and permeate all parts of the Universe.

They are among the most abundant particles of the Universe and they stream continuously through everything. They are streaming right through you. This is why they are difficult to spot: They rarely interact with any other objects.

A neutrino may think of normal matter as smoke and shadows in the Universe. They are called ghost particles.

However, it is this property that makes them so interesting to study. They travel straight because they are unaffected from the Universe.

High-energy neutrinos can only be produced by processes that accelerate cosmic rays. This includes powerful jets created in extreme environments around supermassive actives. Black hole.

To learn more about these neutrino factory, however, we must first find the neutrinos. IceCube is here to help. Photodetectors are hidden beneath Antarctic ice in the freezing darkness looking for the light showers that result from neutrinos occasionally interacting with atoms and molecules.

The IceCube observatory with the Milky Way overhead.
The IceCube Lab night view, with the Milky Way visible above. (Martin Wolf/IceCube/NSF)

It was this international collaboration that identified 80 high-energy neutrinos within the 1.5 to 15. TeV range, which tracked a straight line back from NGC 1068.

NGC 1068, we already know, is an active galaxie. It’s a barred, spiral-like galaxy, similar to the Milky Way. But, NGC1068’s supermassive, black hole at its heart is devouring matter at a rapid rate from the space surrounding it.

A vast torus and disk made of gas and dust surround the black hole. This orbits the black hole and feeds into its gravity. The friction and gravity in the disk and torus create insane amounts heat and light.

Some of the material does not reach the black hole’s event horizon. Scientists believe that some of the material is accelerated along the black holes’ magnetic field lines to reach the poles. From there, it is launched into space as powerful plasma jets that punch through space at almost light speed.

If the jet is pointed in our directions, we call it a blazar. TXS 0506+056 also is a galaxy. An analysis has shown that its 300 TeV neutrino was a blazar. Made in the Earth-pointing jet.

The NGC 1068 jetThe galaxy is not pointing in our direction. The galaxy is actually oriented so that most of the high-energy radiation from the active galactic nuclear nucleus is blocked by dense dust. The neutrinos could also be used to probe a blackhole that is hard to study.

“Recent models of black hole environments in these objects indicate that radiation, gas, and dust should block the gamma-rays that would otherwise accompany neutrinos,” says physicist Hans NiederhausenMichigan State University

“This neutrino detection by the core NGC 1068 will help us understand the environments around supermassive dark holes.”

The team believes that neutrinos can be interpreted as a signature for particle acceleration. They also believe that this discovery indicates that active galactic nuclei contribute significantly to the space-filling neutrino population.

They claim that NGC 1068 is a breakthrough in neutrino astronomy, and that it may one day become a cornerstone of the field.

NSF began a ambitious project several years ago to increase our understanding of the Universe. It combined existing capabilities in radio astronomy and optical astronomy to measure and detect phenomena such as neutrinos. Gravitational waves,” says physicist Denise CaldwellIceCube was funded in part by the National Science Foundation.

“The IceCube Neutrino Observatory identified a nearby galaxy as a cosmic neutrinos source. This is just the beginning for this exciting field. It promises insight into the undiscovered power massive black holes have on the universe’s fundamental properties.”

The research has been published in Science.



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