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ScienceAlert: There is an intriguing link between the US presidents and the wars they wage : ScienceAlert

While there are many reasons why wars start, end, and continue, each factor plays a part in the outcome. However, the personalities of those who lead them play a significant role. A new study has revealed a fascinating link between past US presidents’ personalities and the time they went to war.

An analysis of 19 presidents serving between 1897-2009 (from William McKinley through George W. Bush) revealed the degree to which commanders in chief displayed their leadership abilities. Grandiose and narcissistic traits in personality This is directly related to the duration of any wars that they presided over.

These findings could be helpful for analysts, politicians, and military commanders to better understand the potential outcome of wars. It has not been explored how leaders’ personalities influence war.

“Narcissistic presidents are more likely to exit wars only if they can claim victory, and will continue wars to proclaim some sort of victory.” John P. Harden, a political scientistThe Ohio State University.

“They want to look heroic and strong and competent – even if it means fighting the war beyond what is reasonable.”

Harden used data from the Correspondents of war database, which tracks conflicts involving at least 1,000 deaths in battle within a one-year period – so 11 operations for the US during the study period.

This was cross-referenced with previous researchThis study examined the character of US presidents in part by using their biographers. To measure narcissistic tendencies, we used high levels of assertiveness, excitement-seeking, low levels of modesty and compliance to assess their level.

McKinley and Eisenhower were two examples of US chiefs who scored lower in narcissism. They tended to place the interests state above all else. Wars were pursued only as a last resort, and were ended as quickly as possible – see Eisenhower’s quick exit from the Korean War, for example.

Presidents with higher narcissism scores, like Roosevelt and Nixon were more likely to keep conflict going for longer periods of time and to separate their personal and state interests. Nixon, for instance, took over the Vietnam War from Roosevelt and maintained it for four more years.

Overall, the eight leaders scoring above average in narcissism (headed primarily by Johnson and Roosevelt), spent an average 613 days at the war front, compared with the 136 days for the 11 presidents who scored below average. Howard Taft and McKinley scored the lowest.

The relationship still holds, the study shows, even when other factors are taken into account – including the political climate in the US, the terrain the war is being fought on, the balance of power between combatants, and whether or not the president himself has prior military experience.

“What I found was that the traditional way in which political scientists view war dynamics doesn’t capture the whole story.” says Harden.

“Presidents are not always able to look objectively at evidence in order to make wartime decisions. Many presidents have done it, but others are more interested only in their own self-interests than in the interests of the state.

Harden offers several reasons why presidents might stay in conflict for longer. For example, they might have larger goals and higher expectations of the final results of conflicts.

These people might be too confident in their strategies and lose effectiveness in battle. They may also have prolonged periods of combat that are longer than necessary. Narcissists can also make mistakes under stress and are not able to learn from their mistakes.

Of course, there’s no end to the number of influences on war – from the weather to the number of countries involved to the spirit of the troops – but the disposition of the person in charge could be a more important factor than previously thought.

“Narcissistic Presidents Spend More Time Worrying About Their Image Than Other Presidents.” says Harden.

“These motivations, particularly their desire to preserve their self-image, lead them to prolong wars more than necessary.”

The publication of the research was published in Journal of Conflict Resolution.



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