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ScienceAlert: The First Time in 38 years, the World’s Largest Volcano Active Is Erupting : ScienceAlert

For the first time in decades, Hawaii’s Mauna Loa – the largest active volcano in the world – erupted, turning the sky red.

According to a United States Geological Survey report, the eruption started around 11:30 p.m. local time Sunday (0930 UTC Monday) in Mauna Loa’s summit caldera. Statement.

Local time at 7:20 a.m. Monday updateAccording to the agency, lava was coming out of the Northeast Rift Zone on the volcano’s northeast side.

The USGS stated that “lava flows are not threatening any communities downslope and all indications indicate that the eruption will continue in the Northeast Rift Zone.” . It was also mentioned that winds could carry gas, volcanic ash and glass from other locations.

Southwest airlines cancelled 10 flights between Hilo (Honolulu) on Monday because of the volcanic ash advisory.

Insider was told by a spokesperson from the airline that they don’t anticipate any other impacts.

According to the USGS, “Based on past experiences, the early stages a Mauna Loa volcanic eruption can be very energetic and the location or advance of lava flow can change rapidly.”

“If the eruption remains in Moku’āweoweo [the summit caldera]Most likely, lava flows will be contained within the caldera walls. But, lava flows could move downslope quickly if eruptive eruptions travel outside the caldera walls.

Hawaii’s Emergency Management AgencyHawaii’s Tourism AuthorityBoth said Monday morning there was no threat to the populated areas.

While officials have not yet issued evacuation orders, Hawaii County opened several shelters according to reports Hawaii News Now.

Honolulu branch of the National Weather Service An ashfall advisory was issuedThe warning states that up to quarter inch of ash could accumulate in certain areas of the island.

The agency It was seeking reports of ash falling to the ground in the aftermath of the eruption.

“People suffering from respiratory problems should not be outside in order to inhale the ash particles. Anybody who is outside should cover his mouth or nose with a mask.” NWS.According to the, Volcanic Ash can contaminate water, crops, buildings, and equipment, and harm health. NWS.

People from Hawaii shared photos and videos on social media that showed a blood-reddened sky following the eruption.

After 38 years of silent, the giant volcano is now awake

Mauna Loa covers half Hawaii’s southernmost island – Hawai’i – rising more than 13,600 feet (4,145 meters) above the Pacific Ocean.

It rises from its underwater base to a height of 30,000 feet above the ocean floor, making it taller that Mount Everest. National Park Service.

Since 1843, Mauna Loa has erupted 33 more times. This was according to the Observatory. USGS.

It has not erupted in over 30 years. It erupted after several weeks of frequent earthquakes at its summit. This prompted officials and scientists to ask residents to evacuate. Hawaii News Now.

More than 100 earthquakes have been reported in just one day in September. CNN reports.

According to the, volcanic eruptions release large quantities of gas and particles into our atmosphere. USGS.

Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is responsible for warming the planet. Climate changeAlthough human sources of carbon dioxide like fossil fuels contribute more to global warming than volcano eruptions,

In the meantime, sulfur dioxide or ash can sometimes have a temporary cooling affect on the planet’s temperature.

In the days ahead, it will be necessary to determine exactly which gases were released into the atmosphere and how much.

This article was first published by Business Insider.

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