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HomeScienceScienceAlert: "SuperGPS" Technology Pinpoints Your Position in Under One Inch

ScienceAlert: “SuperGPS” Technology Pinpoints Your Position in Under One Inch

GPS (Global Positioning System), is used by many to plan travel, avoid traffic congestion, locate new places, track our kids and avoid getting lost.

However, it is not always the best system, especially in areas with densely built-up areas that make it difficult to see a satellite.

Researchers have now developed a new technology that could replace GPS in certain situations. SuperGPS (or 3.9in) is an accurate technology. It doesn’t depend on any navigation satellite systems and it’s within 10 centimeters.

This new method uses networks similar to cell phones, but instead streaming data to our phones, the network receives a precise fix directly on the device.

With some smart tweaks, the system is built on the foundation of radio transmitters combined with fiber-optic network.

“We realized that the telecommunications network could be transformed to a highly accurate alternative positioning system that is not dependent on GPS with a few cutting-edge innovation.” says physicist Jeroen KoelemeijVrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

“We have succeeded in creating a system that is capable of providing connectivity just as existing Wi-Fi and mobile networks, as well accurate positioning and time distribution as GPS.”

Researchers were able demonstrate their system’s effectiveness on an area of 660 m2 (7,104 sq. feet) in a test site that had six radio transmitters. To determine the distance between individual devices, the timings of radio signals can then be measured and interpreted.

A synchronized atomicclock is one of the most important components of the network positioning system: precise positioning means perfect timing. The fiber optic cables are basically connections that keep everything in sync and precise to one billionthof a second.

SuperGPS system
SuperGPS is a combination of transmitters, receivers and a data centre. It also includes a synchronized Atomic clock. (Delft University of Technology).

The system also deploys a radio signal bandwidth that’s much larger than normal – although as radio spectrum bandwidth is expensive due to its scarcity, the team used several small bandwidth radio signals combined together to form a larger virtual bandwidth for the network communication.

This extra bandwidth solves the greatest problem with standard GPS: radio signals are reflected off of buildings and can quickly become confused.

“This can make GPS unreliable when used in urban settings. This is a problem if automated vehicles are ever to be used.” says electrical engineer Christiaan TiberiusThe following is a translation from the Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands.

Researchers who created it believe that the new system can be used to plan quantum communication networks and next generation networks for mobile devices.

Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), which include GPS, have many uses. Experts are always looking for new ones. There are many ways to improve it and make it better.

To prove that this is a viable alternative to GPS, more testing will be necessary. The network-based system proposed would take some time to setup, despite the fact that its transmission protocols and hardware have been in use for many years. Researchers believe that existing Wi-Fi masts and mobile phones could be used to do the job.

Researchers state that “this work gives a glimpse at a future in telecommunications networks providing not only connectivity, but also GNSS independent timing and positioning services of unprecedented accuracy and reliability.” Published paper.

The research was published in Nature.



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